Chapter 7

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This chapter earns it's Mature status lol. Not NSFW.

It was early morning and cold when Natalia opened her eyes. She stretched like a cat and smiled as she turned toward Gabe to cuddle against him. It was nice to have him in bed with her again. Though it had been just one night it had felt a lot longer than that. They had talked a lot, late into the night. The kind of conversation that opened doors of deep understanding.

The kind that made you fall in love deeper and harder. She thought that what she had felt before was love but it was toddler love compared to this grown and serious love she was experiencing. When she knew she was finished and ruined for all other love was when he promised to love her as she needed to be love.

He saw through it, and saw her. He took in the fact that she was opinionated and thorny but she was also soft and fragile. Sometimes she didn't want to be strong and enduring, sometimes she just wanted to be held and coddled. It was a tall order but his intent by just making that promise told her he'd try his hardest and that's all you could really ask from anyone.

The heat radiating from his body was wonderful. He was like a furnace and his strong, muscular body was so inviting she slipped her soft leg over his legs, her arm across his tight abdomen and her head on his shoulder, her unruly curls were out of their constraints and spreading out on his chest like a halo, and just as she was going to slip back into a deep sleep she felt his eyes on her.

Even as she slept she could always tell when he was watching her. As she pulled her head back and looked into his beautiful sleepy eyes, she saw them becoming more alert with passion and she felt her body respond in kind. It was Pavlovian, wetness pooled between her legs and she felt a deep ache that only he could sate.

Eventually, without any words exchanged he rolled them both over and began to kiss a path down her body. He took his time with her breasts, finding the way she liked to feel his tongue circle her nipples, the way she liked his fingers to tease them into tight, hard peaks, before kissing down to her belly button.

Gabe ran his calloused hands along her thighs, slowly, her smooth skin catching on his rough hands. She liked the contrast, it made her toes curl with anticipation. She was staring down at him from half-closed eyes, his own were wide open, steady and bright. She could never look at him straight when she was exposed to him like this, bare and vulnerable and on the precipice.

He spreads her open, calloused thumbs sliding along her slick skin. He was always careful with this, his rough fingers against her. She squirmed and pressed herself harder into his touch. Tiny moans escaped her because the loud ones felt too sacrilegious, as she felt the subtle but explosive touch of his tongue.

She made no attempt to keep her hands off of him, and the sensation of her fingers in his hair, her fingernails tracing soft lines across his scalp, made him shiver and moan against her skin.

She bucked her hips against him, both hands now gripping his hair even though she did nothing to guide him or even hold him in place. He knew exactly how to drive her to the edge. He had mastered her body like it was a skill.

She felt her body tense, feeling her release coming. Her breaths came in short painful gasps as she thrust her hips against his relentless onslaught, electricity bolts through her limbs making her whole body arch of the bed.

After, Natalia breathed out raggedly, still feeling residual zaps of pleasure with her eyes closed and Gabe rested his chin on her thigh, watching her recover from his handiwork.

When she woke up again, for real this time it was around 10 am, the bed was empty but she found Gabe emerging from the en-suite with a towel around his waist, rummaging for clothes to wear.

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