Chapter 9

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This one is NSFW too lol!
There's a semblance of plot near the end tho.

When Gabe and Natalia returned from a morning run, later than usual because Natalia had gotten into a conversation with a dog and befriended the owner, they were both drenched and badly in need of a shower.

"I'm going first," Natalia announced rushing up the stairs. There was a shower in the en-suite in the master bedroom, whilst the family bathroom only had a bath.

Ever since Gabe had been taking Natalia on his morning jogs so he could have her in his sights at all times and he insisted that they drove to work together, the shower had become a political issue in their household. Especially now that they were running severely behind schedule.

"No, you always finish the hot water," Gabe complained, grabbing her by the waist to prevent her from getting into the bathroom first and locking the door.

"I'm a woman, I have more things to wash," she laughed, slapping his hands away.

"Let me help you out with that." It was a serious offer.

"No." Natalia gave him a side-eye look. "You always get my hair wet."

"I promise I won't. Scout's honour."

"Don't start anything. We're super late," she warned him with a wagging finger in his face.

"And who's fault is that?"

"It's not my fault all animals love me. Maybe they'd love you too if you weren't so busy screw-facing everyone?" She scrunched up her face in an attempt to scowl like him and imitated his characteristic walking gait, as Gabe turned on the shower. He laughed at her impression of him. It was scarily accurate.

He watched her strip out of her clothing. Admiring her body, the curvature of her waist and how it segued into her flared out hips. Her rounded belly was topped off with full teardrop shaped breasts. If he stared any longer, it would definitely not be a quick shower like they needed it to be. He averted his eyes, but other parts of him hadn't gotten the memo.

When he stripped off and joined her in the shower the water had warmed up considerably. She liked her showers scorching, and his skin was already turning red from the heat. Another reason to make this shower quick.

"I thought you said you'd help me?" She arched an eyebrow sternly and he couldn't take her seriously with the ridiculously frilly shower cap on her head. He chuckled as she handed him the loofah and the shower gel and he diligently got started on running the foamy water saturated material over her neck, back and sides.

She squealed when he ran his soapy hands over the inside of her waist. She was super ticklish there, which he knew and regularly took advantage of, for his own amusement.

Like now, she had leaned back so far, to get away from his digging fingers that the strong water pressure had knocked the shower cap off her head and the exposed — now, soaked curly strands were plastered all over her face.

She glowered at him from beneath her hair; looking like something from The Grudge and he had to stop himself from laughing out loud in her face. "You see, this is why!" She smacked him in the chest, half-heartedly with an open palm.

"I'm sorry."

"You're not sorry, I can see you laughing!"

"Let me help you fix it." He grabbed the conditioner he knew she likes best and massaged it into her hair. When her whole head was covered he twirled the long strands into a bun on top of her head, wiping errant splodges of the conditioner from her cheek and forehead.

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