Chapter 11

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Put the kettle on cos, chile, there's a lot going on in this chapter (and I'm not even sorry about it). Song video up because it's referenced in the text somewhere.
And also Jamaica Hive, Happy Independence Day. Hope you're all extra bad with it today :)


"Uh, not him. He has the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. You go."

"You want me to flirt with another woman?" Gabe asked sceptically, Natalia wanted to laugh at how hesitant he was. She had him good and trained.

"Yes, duh — we're on a mission. Besides you're not that charming, don't flatter yourself."

"Charmed you," he reminded her, suddenly very much in her space and looking down at her. Natalia blinked against the onslaught.

"Because, I'm shallow not cos you have any particular skill," Natalia huffed annoyed that she was even getting flustered.

"Can y'all save the foreplay for the bedroom? We got things to do," Ty interrupted before Gabe could reply, clapping them both on the back.

Natalia nudged Gabe forward and then watched with a jealous distaste as he turned the charm on. The girl was instantly blushing and winding her hair around her finger. They were in the lobby of the Four Seasons hotel in downtown Austin. Ty's intel had led them there but hadn't stretched to let them know which room Gabe's father was occupying.

Apparently he was attending a charity gala later on in the evening and had arrived last night. Earlier that day he had met with the PI and was photographed by Ty's employee.

When Gabe returned to the lobby where Ty and Natalia were sitting, he had a puffed-up walk and a look of accomplishment on his face. She spied a piece of paper in his hand.

"I'll take this, thank you very much." Natalia said slipping the number the girl had given him into her own pocket. Gabe gave her a self-satisfied smirk that she duly ignored.

"Wait here." Ty said.

"No way, I'm coming with," Natalia insisted for the second time that day. She was getting tired of Ty speaking on matters that didn't concern him.

Natalia looked at Gabe, who sighed and angled his head towards the lifts, indicating that she could join them. Natalia gave Ty a dirty look, and moved closer to Gabe, in smug show of triumph.

They loitered in the lobby until there was a group of people at the lifts, in which case the trio made their way into it just as the doors were closing.

"12th floor, please." Gabe specified to someone who was helpfully pressing the buttons for the different floors and who also used their keycard to activate the lift.

Natalia's heart hammered in her chest as they got off at the 12th floor. Both Ty and Gabe wore focused expressions on their faces. Similar to that day they ambushed the PI. She tried to take in a deep breath and emulate how focused they were, but her heart was in her knees as they neared the right door. She was going to meet another of her boyfriend's parents and the prospect still scared her despite the unconventional circumstances.

Gabe knocked twice and called out "Room Service," as she and Ty stayed out of sight on either side of the door.

Natalia could hear footsteps, and then the door swung open, "I didn't order any room service," Papa Mercier said looking irately at Gabe.

"Hey Dad, won't you let us in?"

Understanding dawned on the older man's face and he apprehensively swung the door wider to let all three of them into the room. He was dressed in a tuxedo; they had apparently caught him in the midst of getting ready. There were cufflinks on the table in front of him.

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