Chapter 40

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Hi guys! please accept my most sincere apologies for taking so long to update. I'm sorry for making y'all wait so long. I couldn't finish this chapter until ironically I also had a baby. I took book research too far I guess 😬. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this and are kind enough to leave me your thoughts.


"Shaneese said..."

"God, if I hear any more about what Shaneese said just one more time I'm going to throw up this baby!"

"You don't mean that..." Elizabeth soothed, as if she was speaking to a child. She patted Natalia on the head, and it had the opposite effect on her. She was becoming more and more irate by the minute. Natalia tried to breathe evenly, even as she felt herself getting hot.

"I do! I've been pregnant for 5 years, I've been confined to this bed even longer!"

"Alie!" Lima piped up in agreement from the corner of the room, where she had set herself up. She was often there hand stitching the tiniest details onto expensive fabrics.

"I want to go out for a walk, one measly walk isn't going to kill me or the baby!"

"But your blood pressure!" Elizabeth said, outraged at the two women.

"What is going on here?" Shaneese swept into the room, her presence in the already crowded room making her seem larger than life.

Both Lima and Natalia immediately became quiet when she came into view. The tall Black woman was friendly enough but she had a fierce tongue, the type to smile in your face as she read you for filth. Elizabeth watched their reaction, pursing her lips into a stern line to stifle the laugh that wanted to escape her. They were all bravado and no action when it came to Shaneese.

"I actually have some good news, your doctor wants to see you today at his clinic to discuss your care going forwards, so you will get out of the bed today."


"Yes, do you want me to help you get dressed?"

"No! I'll do it. It's important to step out of bed for the first time in the right outfit. Sorry, but best stick to midwifery as your day job and leave the fashion to me."

"Lima!" Elizabeth and Natalia admonished in unison.

"Sorry." Lima had the grace to look sheepish for a few seconds before she started rummaging in Natalia's closet, her attention already diverted.

An hour later, dressed like she was gracing the BAFTAs with her presence instead of going to a checkup at the OBGYN's office, Natalia set off with her entourage, that consisted of Lima, Shaneese, Elizabeth and one Gabe to her appointment. Ty wanted to tag along as well, but Gabe put his foot down and told him to find a day job.

"I'm afraid I have some important information to share with you," The doctor said, his tone gentle yet serious. "Based on your recent blood pressure readings and some other symptoms you've been experiencing, it appears that while we have managed the severity of your preeclampsia, I'm still concerned about letting you continue with the pregnancy since your baby is close to term."

Gabe and Natalia exchanged worried glances.
Natalia's voice trembled as she asked, "What does this mean for us and our baby?"

Dr. Karonovsky explained, "To ensure the well-being of both you and your baby, we need to consider an elective c-section. This is the safest option on the table for us right now. It's a way to carefully monitor you and manage any potential risks associated with preeclampsia."

Natalia listened intently, her concern growing. The doctor continued, "While a c-section carries certain risks we believe it is the best course of action given your situation. We will closely monitor you and take every precaution to ensure a safe and healthy delivery."

Natalia's eyes filled with tears as she processed the news. Gabe reached out to hold her hand, offering his support and reassurance. "We'll get through this together," he whispered.

"I don't want a c-section."

All eyes turned to her. All of them carrying varying expressions ranging from disbelief to worry.

"I want to try a natural birth before we consider a c-section."

Natalia was pleasantly surprised that nobody, especially Gabe had shot down her preference. Having been confined to bed for more than two months and some change, with all her movements restricted, scrutinised and monitored, she was getting sick of feeling like a rent-a-womb.

Trying a natural birth would make her feel like she had some semblance of control over her own body, she needed it. She had been fantasising, often as she lay in bed utterly bored and devoid of bodily autonomy about escaping her own skin. She literally itched for the cathartic feeling of pushing all that was ailing her aside and starting anew.

Over the next few days, Gabe and Natalia met with Dr. Karonovsky and their doula, Shaneese, to discuss the alternative that he had proposed. An induction, in more detail. They learned about the different methods used to initiate labour and the potential timelines involved.

Shaneese provided emotional support and helped them understand the importance of remaining flexible and open-minded throughout the process. In the end Natalia was persuaded that a c-section would be on the table if the doctor felt like the induction process was going the wrong way but she would get to try, and that was good enough for her.

Natalia watched Lima with a tired and peaceful smile on her face, in about 10 minutes she was going to start the journey to meet her baby. The nurse had just finished inserting a pessary into her cervix to kick start labour. She had hobbled to the toilet before they had stuck her on the continuous baby monitor. Nothing was happening yet.

"Be for real right now, have you ever done Blackface?"

"Lima!" This time it was Shaneese that was doing the chastising. The elder woman wasn't shocked by the things that came out of Lima's mouth anymore, over the past weeks she had heard just about everything but this was a new one.

"What?" Lima's eyes were lit up with humour. Gabe, whom the question had been aimed at, remained at a panicked deer caught in the headlight-like state.

"Does camo count?" he said after a long beat.

"Umm...I need to get back to you, Boss Man," Lima said frantically typing on her phone.

"And how will you decide that," Shaneese asked, ready to reprimand if necessary.

"The court of TikTok public opinion of course"


"Alright! Just research then." She muttered a high pitched,"Jheeze," to herself and Natalia stifled a giggle. This is the exact type of shenanigans she needed.

Lima wiggled her phone at Natalia, "Come on, Mama let's research."

"That will have to wait, I think my contractions have started." Natalia said struck by how painful grip started radiating across her abdomen, back and buttocks.

Shaneese looked at the monitor. "They're coming too fast..." she pressed the emergency button for the obstetrician to come into the room, he too took one look at the monitor and called for more help.

"Oh god it hurts!" Natalia clutched Gabe's hand so hard it turned blue. He barely felt it, it was shrouded by a looming sense of helplessness. He rubbed he back trying to offer any comfort as she contorted on the bed from the pain.

"Nat, Natalia you must keep still so we can get a good reading of your baby's heart."

Suddenly the monitor started eeking out a high pitched alarm.

"Why what's happening?" She ground out. "Is my baby okay?"

"The contractions are coming too fast and too strong for your baby, and your baby's heart can't tolerate it."

More people filtered into the room. Someone had put down the sides of the bed. Someone else had gathered up the leads of the monitor, a lone faceless arm emerged from the pandemonium of bodies in activity and had injected something into Natalia'a arm. That's all she felt before she passed out.

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