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"Ok Felix, now tell me everything again once more"


"Ok! My name is Bang Felix, I'm 22, my owner is Bang Chan, I love cake and um...I love Channie!"

"So cute...and perfect Felix!"

"Thank you Dr. Wong!"

"Aw, you can call me ViVi sweetie!"

Chan had taken Felix to the neurologist to get checked out, he was beyond happy the boy checked through ok.

"Ok, so there isn't anything I need to look out for?" The older asked.

"Just make sure he refrains from physical activity for at least 2 weeks since he had another fall. Even though his MRI came back good, we just want to make sure. As for the amnesia, I'm glad it reversed but just make note of any memory lapses"

"Ok, and any mood swings I need to worry about...?"

"Hm? I wouldn't think so...but oh! Just continue to give him his vitamins and supplements each day" she smiled.

"They're yummy!" Felix meowed swinging his legs on the examination table.

Both Chan and ViVi laughed in unison.

"I bet they are sweetie, now can you do me a favor?"

"A favor...? Ok!" Felix meowed.

"Can you make sure to tell Chan anytime you feel lightheaded or dizzy? Or any headaches? That's very important if you do Felix" she smiled petting his head.

"Ok! I can do that" he meowed.

"So cute! Ok, well I think you can go. Chan, please call us if there are any issues" she turned to the older.

"Ok, will do. Thank you so much again"

As soon as the pair finished at the doctor's office, Felix was excited to go home and change for their aquarium date.

"Channie! Date time Channie!" He meowed and giggled walking into the penthouse.

"That's right princess, let's get changed and then we can go, ok?" He closed the door walking up to the boy to pet his head.

"Ok Channie! I'm gonna wear my blue fuzzy sweater!" Felix meowed before running off and doing a cartwheel to their room into his closet.

So cute...

Chan chuckled to himself, following Felix as he went into his own closet. The younger was quick to change into his jeans and blue sweater, matching with socks.

"Hm...which beret should I wear...?" He went through his drawers looking as he sat on his knees.

While he was looking however, he suddenly started to feel nauseous.

My stomach feels sick...maybe I ran too fast...?

He shifted to stand up, but ended up falling down as he held on to his head.

Ow...! My head hurts...it hurts a lot...

He squeezed the palms of his hands against his head and cat ears, letting out small painful meows.

Just then, the older had came in to tell him he was ready.

"Baby I'm-

He saw the younger curled up and holding his head whimpering in pain on the floor, quickly rushing to him.

"Kitten?! What's wrong...?!"


"M-my head hurts Channie...and my tummy is feels sick..."

Neko Afterstory: Vanilla LoveWhere stories live. Discover now