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Felix was happy for the first time ever to actually go to the doctor, he wanted to get checked out that he could resume jumping and having fun. Including being intimate with Chan.

"Ok Felix, it looks like you should be ok! Remember to tell Chan though of any headaches, Understand?"


"Yes ViVi! Thank you!"

"So cute! Ok, any other questions?"

Felix became quiet as he looked at her, then glanced to Chan. The older was smiling as he stood in the corner watching the hybrid.

"Um...can I ask one question...?" Felix said shyly as he pulled at his tail.

"Of course sweetie, what is it?" She smiled petting his head.

Felix nervously glanced at Chan before back at her, the older very much noticing. Chan furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Felix lean close to ViVi's ear, whispering something.

What's wrong...?

ViVi turned around to face Chan giving him a small smile.

"Chan, if you don't mind stepping out for a moment. Felix and I need to talk privately"

"Um...is there a reason why I can't be here-"

"It will only take a few minutes, you can wait right outside" ViVi smiled as she touched Chan's shoulder, guiding him out the door as she opened it.

"Ok..." was all he said as he walked out, looking at Felix one last time before she shut the door.


Chan waited outside, pondering as to why Felix and ViVi needed to talk without him.

What's he telling her...?

He leaned near the door trying to listen, but couldn't as the door was thick.

Chan just sighed as he walked around in circles waiting, after a few minutes she opened the door.

"We're done Chan! You can come in" she smiled.

"Ok...thanks" he gave a small smile back as he walked in. He thought something serious may have happened, but was surprised to see the boy meowing and smiling at him.


"I'm back kitten. Is he ready to go?" He turned to ViVi.

"Oh yes! He's all good! Any issues please give us a call"

"Will do, let's go kitty cat"



After the doctor they went home while Chan made lunch for them. Once they were done, they were cuddled on the couch as Felix was telling Chan all the things he wanted to do since he was better.

They were talking about him going back to work at the café as they watched some TV.

Chan held him close in his lap as he pressed soft kisses on the top of his head, the only thing was he couldn't stop thinking about what Felix said to ViVi that made him leave the room.



"Um...what did you ask ViVi about...that made me leave the room...?" Chan asked quietly as he gently stroked Felix's arms.

The younger looked down in his lap, becoming nervous as he reached his hoodie paw hands to pull at his tail.

"U-um...n-nothing really Channie..." he meowed anxiously which the older could tell.

Neko Afterstory: Vanilla LoveWhere stories live. Discover now