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"Sweetheart...you know you have to go..."

Chan sighed as he yelled loudly in the living room, echoing the entire penthouse.

It was Felix's yearly check up and the hybrid was hiding as always, he never liked to go to the doctor. He was currently hiding in his closet behind some clothes.

I hate going...he can't make me...!

Felix was hiding in his closet for at least 30 minutes while Chan was getting frustrated looking for him around the entire penthouse. He had already checked Felix's closet, but he didn't think to look for him behind his clothes.

The older walked back into their bedroom to check under their bed for him.

"Where is he...?" He sighed under his breath again.

He stood back up yelling for the younger to come out.

"Kitten...please...it's not gonna be bad as you always think. It's just a check up...come out for Channie please?" Chan begged one last time.

Felix was hearing him, but still refused to come out.

Chan ran his hand through his hair.

Time for some tough love again

"Kitten, I'm going to count to 5. If you don't come out, no ice cream, no TV, no treats, no dates for a month!" he yelled sternly this time.

Felix covered his mouth letting out a gasp as he heard him.

He wouldn't...


I don't want to...



Felix was self conflicted, he didn't want to lose all his fun stuff. He he would much rather lose them than have needles.

"4!, Felix I'm not playing" Chan demanded even louder.

Felix still didn't leave his hiding spot.

"5! That's it, all privileges have been taken away" Chan yelled.

Felix let out a growl, quickly covering his mouth again as he growled too loud. Chan however heard the growl from somewhere close-by since the penthouse was dead silent.

He's in here...

Chan started to search again for him.

"Kitten, I know you're in here...if you don't come out I'm gonna add to your punishment" he said looking in his closet. Felix was still hearing everything as he stayed hidden.

"Including no cuddles!" Chan yelled.

What?! No...no...no...

Felix could maybe do without treats and TV, but no affection would drive him crazy. Especially from how dependent he was on the older.

Chan continued to look for Felix in both closets, then walking back to the bedroom door, closing it shut.

"Baby, I know you're in here. Now you can't get out~" he teased loudly.

Shit! I still don't wanna go...

Chan stood there hearing silence waiting for him to come out, but the boy never did.

He really wants to be difficult....ugh....fine...

"Kitten, if you don't come out I'm gonna add to the list"


Felix's eyes went wide listening.

"No hugs...no kisses...."

Chan smirked listing them out.

No...he can't be-

Felix tried to cover a whimper, feeling his heart drop.

"And no naughty stuff...at all..." Chan teased as he sat on their bed.

He should be out in 3, 2, 1-

Just then, he saw Felix crawl out from his closet whimpering and meowing sadly.


"Channie..." he teared up meowing as he crawled over to the foot of the bed to Chan.

"There's my kitty~" Chan smiled as he reached to pick the boy up, setting him in his lap.

"Channie...you don't mean it... do you? No hugs...or cuddles...or kisses...? Please tell me you don't..." Felix dropped a few tears meowing.

Chan gave him a soft smile as he cupped his cheeks.

"No I don't sweetheart, but I had to think of something to get you to come out somehow" he wiped the boy's tears away.

"Oh..." Felix looked down.

"I can do without ice cream...or fun...for a month... but..." He looked back at Chan.

"...no hugs...kisses...or naughty time...please don't take away Channie...I'm sorry I was hiding..." Felix sniffled.

Chan now felt a little guilty for lying to the boy to get him to come out.

"Oh, sweetheart. No no, I'm not. I just needed you to come out for me, that's all. You'll still have everything, ok?" He kissed him on the lips.

Felix nodded with a meow.

"Ok Channie...that wasn't very nice Channie...you lied to me..." Felix pouted looking back down.

Chan let out a small chuckle as he reached to pet his head.

"Well, I had to in order for my kitty to come to me. You know I don't like it when my kitty ignores me, especially when I call for him" Chan pulled him into a hug.

Felix purred as he wrapped his arms around his neck, rubbing his face against Chan's cheek.

"Channie I always come to you..."

"Oh really? My kitty didn't come when I called him that one time because he was playing games. And now this time, you didn't come when I called for you for almost an hour" Chan said pointedly as he pulled Felix to look at him.

"Channie knows I hate the doctor...and needles..."

Chan sighed as he cupped his cheek again.

"Baby, you know it's necessary for your health. They need to do bloodwork and check you so we know you're ok" Chan said softly looking into his eyes.

"But Channie I've been fine...I haven't been sick for a long time" he whined.

"Kitten, we aren't going back and forth about this. I got you to come out so now we're going" he said sternly picking the boy up off his lap.

"Go get ready for us to go" he pointed to Felix's closet.

Felix pouted with a nod as he went to get dressed. Chan waited for him in the kitchen as he changed.

"Kitten? I'm waiting-"

"I'm here Channie..." he pouted as he came out dressed in his short shorts and oversized white long sleeve he tucked in.

"Come on kitten, let's go" he smiled reaching for his hand.

Let's hope he doesn't have another panic attack either...

Neko Afterstory: Vanilla LoveWhere stories live. Discover now