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"Kitten, we're gonna be careful while we have naughty time, ok?"

"Yes Channie! I'm ready!" Felix meowed and purred.

"Ok..." Chan sighed as he gently picked the boy up, placing him on his back. The younger let out a few small giggles as he watched Chan place extra pillows under his back and one on the side under his knee.

"We have to keep it elevated kitten, so I'm gonna be extra careful with your leg ok?" Chan leaned down to cup his cheek.

"Ok Channie, we'll be careful and naughty!" He giggled.

Oh my-
Him being a mix of horny and cute isn't good for my health...

"Ok baby" Chan smiled as he leaned down to kiss the boy, Felix immediately slipping his arms around Chan's neck to pull him deeper into the kiss.

Chan slipped his tongue in, making their kiss already heated as he reached his hands to gently stroke Felix's thighs.

"You're such a cute kitty..." Chan teased in between kisses.


Felix meowed as he purred louder into Chan's kisses, quickly turning into a moan when he felt Chan slip his hand in his boxers to squeeze his ass.

The younger already began grinding up against him, slipping his hands under Chan's shirt to feel his abs again.

"Mmm...Channie..." he moaned as the older slipped his tongue around, nipping at his bottom lip.

Chan reached down to remove Felix's boxers, leaning back to make sure he was careful taking them off with Felix's injured ankle.

Felix let out a yawn before purring for Chan.

"Channie, hurry..." he whined yawning again.

"Alright, alright...I am" Chan giggled as he took out his member, stroking it a few times before aligning it to Felix's entrance.

"Ah...! Chan..." Felix gave a small moan and purr as he felt Chan enter him, the older groaning at the sensation as he inched all the way in.

"Fuck baby..." he groaned again as he slowly started to move.

"Ah...Ah...Chan..." Felix moaned quietly as he closed his eyes.

"You always feel amazing kitten..." Chan bit his lip as he began to move faster.

Felix gave a few small purrs and moans, as Chan thrusted into him.

"You like this baby...?" Chan teased.




Chan glanced up to Felix's face, eyes going wide to see the younger fell asleep.

Oh my-
He really fell asleep...during sex...

This never happened before, but Chan wasn't surprised since the boy took his pain meds. It knocked him out within minutes.

Chan blushed as he stopped moving, looking down to see himself in the boy.


He sighed as he pulled out, leaning down closer to see Felix softly sleep and meow.

Chan smiled to himself even though Felix fell asleep while they were getting it on, he was still cute. He got up off the bed, going to the bathroom to take care of himself before coming back a bit later to carefully put Felix's boxers back on.

He settled into bed, pulling Felix close to him as he fitted a pillow under his calf to keep his leg elevated.

"Good night kitten..." he leaned over kissing his cheek as he stroked his hair.

Neko Afterstory: Vanilla LoveWhere stories live. Discover now