Chapter 2

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School went by pretty slow if you ask me honestly. Everyday people just have to find a way to bug me, it's like screw off and do something else. Why take away your time and make me a laughing stock to people to laugh at. I'm a person you know who has ears and feelings.

I put it behind my head as I kept that fake smile of mines on my face. I made my way back to my locker putting away all my books and grabbing my camera. The school provides us with camera but they are shit. This baby right here I got for my 18th birthday which my father got me, it was the newest one too. It's my whole life basically.

I grabbed that and closed my locker making my way to the classroom where I had my meeting.

I walked in sitting down as the instructor told us who has to be in charge of what for this year.

I really hope I have the chess club, or even math club, just not anything where a lot of the jerks, or bitches are, basically where the popular people are, example the basketball team. Even during some practises people stay and watch them shoot hoops and sweat, like isn't that a waste of time while you could be doing something like homework?

"Ms.Thomson where James?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure Miss." I shrugged and she nodded writing it down on her checklist.

"Okay so you guys go where I assigned you to go and are in charge of taking pictures of these clubs." She said.

I raised my hand as she picked me.

"You didn't assign me a club yet." I told her.

"Oh sorry, um oh yeah you are assigned to take picture of the whole season for the senior boys basketball. That means their practises, their games and even when they have to go to another school you have to go with them on the bus, I spoke to their couch and he was fine with it, good luck." She smiled at me as I mentally shot myself in the head.

You got to be kidding me?

I lazily got off my seat and grabbed my camera as I made my way to the gym.
I liked through the small window seeing the team bundled up as the couch was speaking to them, I looked to the bleachers and seeing no one was there, well that's good news right?

I slowly opened the door as I walked in, before I could stop the door from closing to hard I was too late as the door slammed making the whole gym echo.

All eyes were on me as I looked the the ground embarrassed.

"We aren't allowing spectators today's practise!" Couch told me.

"Oh um I'm not here to spectate I'm here to take pictures for yearbook!" I said back looking only at the couch as I could feel the whole teams eyes on me which made me feel really uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah Ms.G told me about you come on in." He gestured me to come sit down on the bleachers which I did.

The couch began talking to the team again as I turned on the camera setting it up.

The team started practising again I looked through the lens catching the star player, Beau Brooks who was about to shoot as I took a picture as flash was on making him miss the shot.

Whoops! I quickly turned off flash as I felt bad and stupid.

Every girl drools over him like why wouldn't you, he has the perfect body, he's the best basketball player at our school and the best part is that I heard he wasn't a jerk how other movies show the main popular boy like.

I've never really talked to him before but he was in my English class but he never notices me, who will? The only people who noticed me are the jerks or bitches saying "oh my god you are so big I can see you from miles away." I physically rolled my eyes as I thought about that comment again.

I put my thoughts aside as I continued taking pictures.

Beau Brooks had two brothers which were twins, and again all the girls drool for them two, but they aren't like Beau because Jai and Luke are the biggest jerks alive with their mate Daniel. They are also part of the basketball team and they get to full of themselves because they are so popular and could get girls whenever they want. They always tease me because all three of them are in my Math class which is before my English class. Oh well.

It's been a while and I think I have enough pictures as I got up watching the rest of the practise which finished right after I packed my camera away.

The guys were talking to couch again as I got up making my way to the exit door which was across the court so I began walking towards in going on the court.

The guys were walking to their change rooms so I was basically in front of them as they were walking behind me.

"Hey fatty, are you tired yet from walking across the gym." Jai spat at me from the back as the other team laughed.

"Are you that lazy you can't even open your mouth to talk?" Luke joked as the team was laughing at that insult again.

"Guys shut up." Someone said as I couldn't quiet recognize that voice but I kept walking as I made it outside.

Who said that, and why were they helping me?

I want to be more than Friends. (Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now