Chapter 16

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I tossed the empty bottle as Jai tossed it and my eye sight wasn't so clear.

"Ella are you okay?" Jai asked me and I gave him a thumbs up and a obnoxious burp.

I put my hands under my chin frowning as I was staring at Beau and Vicky dancing with each other on the dance floor right now.

"What do you I have to change about myself to get him to love me back?" I complained to myself.

"Like I know I'm not that skinny but I'm not fat anymore, why isn't he noticing me. Do I have to look like that. Do I need a big butt with big boobs and no flaws?" I said to myself again frowning.

Jai stood in front of me blocking my view of Beau and Vicky.

"Move!" I said pushing Jai out the way but he didn't.

"You're drunk Ella, and you are perfect okay, don't let any guy tell you otherwise." He said and I looked at him smiling.

"You think I'm perfect but Beau doesn't." I said.

"Okay forget about Beau tonight lets dance." Jai said holding his hand out for me.

I grabbed his hand as he took me to the dance floor.

We began dancing silly with the music as I looked up seeing Vicky basically grinding on Beau as I rolled my eyes.

I looked around seeing Jai was dancing with another chick as a dude came up to me but his face was blurry.

"Hey Ella! Didn't know you were here!" He said in my ear as that voice sounded so familiar.

"Sammy?" I asked as he nodded. He was a team player of the basketball team who is friends of the boys.

A smirk appeared on my face as I looked over his shoulder seeing Beau staring at us two. The alcohol took over me as I cupped Sammy's face and smashed my lips on his as he kissed me back.

It didn't feel right at all, it was al sloppy and wet. The only taste I was getting was the alcohols from both of our mouths.

I pulled apart as he asked me if we wanted to go to a room but I rolled my eyes and got out of his way seeing Vicky and Beau no where in sight. I walked out of the crowd flopping down on the couch as I was really dizzy and I couldn't even notice what was happening, so much for a party.

A guy came and handed me a drink which I took as I chugged it down handing the empty cup back to him.

My head was spinning as I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I felt someone kissing my neck as I was trying to push them off of me but my body was slowly failing on me.

"Get off of me." I slurred.

I felt his hands go up my top as I was moving around about to pass off this I felt him off me.

"What the fuck Sammy!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I heard people screaming and the sound of punching as I thought some people were probably beating each other up. I kept trying to keep my eyes open as all I saw was a blur.

I saw a face in front of mines slapping my cheek gently.

"Ella keep your eyes open for me okay?" He said.

"Beau?" I asked.

"No it's Luke." He said and I frowned.

"I want Beau." I whined.

"You're drunk hold up." Luke said going away a second and coming back with two other people.

"Sammy spiked her drink bro and on top of that she was so drunk, I found him on top of her touching her as she was like this." I heard Luke's voice talking to someone.

I heard mumbling as the last this I felt was me getting lifted up and the cold air hitting my weak body as I shiver snuggling into the person carrying me as I was set down in a car.

"I'm sorry for this happening to you El." He whispered in my ear and felt a kiss on my cheek as I smiled and blanked out.

There's only one person who calls me that.

I want to be more than Friends. (Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now