The sleepover pt.2

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Everyone started to doze off. They laid out all of their sleeping bags and climbed in. Lana and Mallow where next to each other, Gladion, Ash and Hau were next to each other and Lillie and Kiawe where making everyone a drink. Hot chocolate or tea. Nobody drinks coffee in the group.

After a while most people had fallen asleep. Ash thought everyone had though, and snook out.

"Wow, it's so calm here," Ash said. He was so used to the waves being loud at night. He could hear the waves slightly hitting the ledge, but it was calming. "Oh Arceus. Why did you make me fall in love with two of my friends?
Gladion is a strong trainer. He has an amazing sister and is attractive. His personality is so hidden but once you actually get to know him he is great.
Then Hau. They are a cute bean and once again a great trainer. They are a meme master and have a great personality. They both are just amazing in every way and I just can't deal with it,"

Ash grabbed his notebook and started to draw. Nobody actually knew this, but he is a great artist. He would usually draw Pokemon, or sceneries, but he has started to draw his friends. He drew Misty. It had a beach background and had psyduck laying in her arms. She was wearing her usual attire and looked really happy.
"I wish I could be this happy," Ash muttered.

It turns out Lillie had been watching him since he left. Once she heard him mutter that she couldn't just watch.
"Ash?" She asked.
"Wha-" He tried to speak. He was cut off by Lillie throwing herself into his arms. "Lillie? How long have you been watching me?"
"Since you got up,"
"Stalker much...." Ash mumbled. "Anyways why did you just do that?"
"To comfort you,"
"Seriously I'm not deaf,"
"Okay fine, but it really doesn't matter," Ash said.
"It does! Everyone's happiness matters,"
"Yeah yeah,"
"Really! I'm not joking!" Lillie exclaimed.
"No, I'm not debating that just I would rather have other people be happy,"
"Oh shut up,"

"Guys?" Hau asked.
"What's up Hau?"
"Why are you outside at like one am?"
"It's my fault, I came out to relax and Lillie followed me out,"
"I'm gonna go in now anyway, so you two can talk or whatever," Lillie said. She stood up, walked in and went to sleep. Hau walked to Ash and sat next to him.
"What's up?" Ash asked.
"Nothing much, just wondering why you are out," They said.
"Well, I find it easier to concentrate when I'm outside. This place is better then the snacc shacc,"
"Oh ok. What you drawing?" Hau asked.
"Oh, just a friend of mine. You should actually know her it's Misty and her Pokemon," Ash said. He flipped open his notebook and showed Hau.
"Woah! This is amazing!" They said. "I wish I could draw like that!"
"Heh, thanks," Ash said. He wasn't used to people complimenting him, let alone his art. "I bet you're good at art too,"
"Nah, I like it but I'm terrible at it,"

They just sat in silence, listening to the pencil hitting the paper, trailing against it and repeating. This continued for a few minutes until Ash eventually spoke up.
"Hau?" He asked.
"What's up?"
"I um, w-will you go o-out with me?"
"Yes!" They cried. "Of course I will!" Hau pulled Ash into a tight embrace, managing to not crush Ash's art work. They hugged for a while until Ash eventually pulled away.

They sat next to each other, until once again Ash broke the silence.
"I don't want Gladion to be sad though," Ash thought out loud.
"I don't mind you dating him as well," Hau said.
"I didn't realise I said that out lou- wait really?"
"Of course. Anyways he is a great guy, I wouldn't mind dating him myself,"
"Yeah," Ash said.
"Go ahead, ask him out,"
"I will but he has to know I'm dating you,"
"Of course, it would be weird him finding out weeks into your relationship with him,"
"Can we keep this a secret though? I don't want everyone else knowing,"
"Sure, that's fine,"

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