Ranka Ookami x Male Reader

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After introductions for the school year were completed, you endured your first few classes. Endured, because it was nonstop chaos and loud noises all around. Thankfully, all other students were accepting of a human attending their "territory". 

Lunch has come, so you make your way to the serving counter, where you receive a ham shank, a large one at that. You didn't mind that the food here was more leaned towards the animal's diets. 

Taking a seat at a nearby table that wasn't occupied by the more, "obnoxious", animals, you sit in front of this little pink haired wolf girl. 

She was busy taking a bite out of her ham shank until she looks up and sees you taking a seat in front of her.

Her wolf ears perk up and her eyes become alert, she didn't like the sudden introduction of you sitting down in front of her so much

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Her wolf ears perk up and her eyes become alert, she didn't like the sudden introduction of you sitting down in front of her so much. Probably thinking you are marching in on her territory to take away her food, she jumps up and takes a stance on the lunch table, with her tail shooting up to make her appear bigger, as she begins to growl at you.

(Y/n): "Whoa, now, I'm not going to do anything to you..."

It looked like talking to her was getting nowhere.

(Y/n): "...I promise, my name is (Y/n)."

You extend your hand out, making her stop her growling and simply sniff your hand. You eyes roll back a bit, as you completely forgot you are at an animal only school. You bring your hand back, and think of how you can calm her down, she is a wolf after all, so you look down at your plate and smile.

The girl growls once more when you took your hand away from her, but stops immediately when she sees you pick up your ham shank, and wave it in front of her. Her eyes closely follow it, mesmerized by it's scent, and it's look.

(Y/n): "I'm not that hungry, would you like it?"

She shakes her head up and down repeatedly, her mouth watering a bit, giving you your answer. So you place your ham shank on her empty plate and watch as she attacks it viciously, taking bites and bites out of it. In a way, it was adorable and cute. Reminds you of how you used to feed your dog.

Since you have nothing to eat now, you decide to stand up and walk out to your next class, wanting to get a head start before the hallways are crowded with other students, but are stopped when the wolf girl jumps in front of you, blocking your path.

Ranka: "My name is Ranka Ookami! Thank you for your food human! You may join my pack!"

(Y/n): "Your... pack?"

Ranka: "Yes! I know it's a privilege and an honor! So consider yourself lucky human! I would have only allowed other wolves to join my pack, but because of what you did, you may join mine!"

This was quite the scene, you did want to make friends and had planned on it, but having to join a pack to make one friend in this wolf girl? Seemed like a lot of work, but you were here not only to learn, but also try new things. You looked down at her, since you were very much taller than her, and smile, nodding your head.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now