Miyubi Shishio x Male Reader

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Walking towards your homeroom to start your next day at Seton Academy, you keep your head up and smile proudly. 

You've made and gotten to know a lot of the students here, even trying out for the sports team, tennis to be exact. You were surprised they even had a tennis club, you would think that a school mainly filled with animals, there would be more, primitive sports.

You enjoyed tennis, you would play it with your dad growing up, and you gotten good at it. Excited to show off your skills, you eagerly await for school to end so you can head over to the tennis court for practice. 

Lost in your thoughts of tennis, you accidentally run into a girl, who falls over flat onto her stomach. Your eyes open wide and kneel down quickly to check if she is okay.

(Y/n): "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!"

No answer, you were so nervous and guilty. You flip her over softly to check on her, to see that she is beautiful. She was tall, slender and very pretty. She had blond hair, though on the top of it looked like she had, green moss. She didn't have any animal characteristics like tails or furry ears, she actually looked human. You couldn't get a good view of her eyes because they were closed and she looked... dead!

(Y/n): "Oh no, no this can't be happening."

Acting fast, you slip your hands underneath her and lift her up. One hand under the back of her back, the other right below her knees, carrying her bridal style. 

(Y/n): "Gotta find the nurse's office..."

Not even bothering thinking about class, or anything else, your main priority is to get this girl to the nurse's office to be checked up on. You begin jogging over to hallway after hallway, looking for the room that is the nurse's. Finally after searching thoroughly and frantically, you found it and burst in with the girl in your arms.

Nurse: "What's the problem today?"

The nurse says nonchalantly while reading a magazine.

(Y/n): "I accidentally bumped into this girl and she fell over, I think I knocked her out or worse."

The nurse looks over at the girl in your arms and chuckles a bit, making you confused.

Nurse: "She'll be okay, though you should leave her here so I can see if she has any bruises or such."

(Y/n): "You sure she's okay? She looks..."

Nurse: "Yes, she's a sloth, they tend to fall over and lose their balance and energy a lot. So far as to looking, dead. She'll wake up soon, don't worry, leave her here and go head and head back to class."

(Y/n): "R-right..."

Walking over to the soft bench, you gently place her down on top of it, crossing her arms over her chest so they don't sway off the edge of the bench. You look over her one last time, feeling terrible as you wave to the nurse thank you, and head off to class.

That sucked.

The whole day, you could only think about that poor girl. You were quite sturdy, so bumping into her is quite the impact. You hoped and prayed she was going to be alright. The nurse seemed positive she will recover okay, but you still had a feeling of uneasiness. The nurse said she was a sloth, which you couldn't tell that she was at all, she looked very human to you, but the nurse knows more about medical than you do, so you took their word for it. 

School concluded and it was time to go to tennis practice, you pick up your backpack and head over to the courts. Hopefully, tennis would help you forget the whole ordeal today, because you desperately wanted it out of your mind, and also hopefully you'll run into her again, but not like you did before, so you could apologize properly.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now