Ruka Bando x Male Reader

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Today was a special day at Seton Academy, you were to visit a similar school that houses animal students, though this one is aimed more so at animals that reside or require water.

Sea Academy it was called.

Your class was picked among many to enjoy a day of festivities and activities at Sea Academy. You were excited to visit Sea Academy, you've always enjoyed swimming, though you didn't really get to do much of it in your life. One way or another, you fantasied of becoming a professional swimmer, or even a life-guard, they always make them look so intriguing on television anyway.

On the bus you were traveling on, you eagerly sat, awaiting your arrival to hopefully finally get the chance to swim since it has been so long since last you were able to. This was an opportunity you weren't going to let pass you by, and thankfully your class was chosen to visit Sea Academy due to "good behavior". Though mostly, between the faculty, it was mainly a reason to talk with their other animal teacher friends at Sea Academy, so they needed a legit reason to come over.

Arriving finally after a bit, the bus parks in front of Sea Academy. Wanting to be the first to enter, you hop up quickly and rush over to the bus doors, exiting as fast as possible. You walk straight and are met with the entrance of Sea Academy. A glistening and beautifully blue structure surrounded by water, which would make sense, looms over you. It was a sight to behold, and you didn't want to waste any time in getting straight to it.

After a speech from the staff about meeting back at the bus in a couple of hours, you pace yourself in place, ready to take off the moment they finish talking. 

Once they dismissed you all, you hurriedly made your way to the large pool that laid in the center, ready to swim. Carrying a bag over your shoulder, inside you had a pair of trunks, you place it down next to you, right near the edge of the pool and begin unzipping it, preparing to dive in immediately.

As your scrambling with taking off your shirt though, something catches your attention. 

Looking up, you see a girl, bursting out of the water in a spectacular fashion, launching high into the air, performing flips and tricks all the while in mid flight. She reaches up so high, her figure becomes a silhouette with the sun masking her grace. You are entranced by all of this, watching intently as she slowly falls back down, taking form as she places her hands forward, shifting her body straight like a pencil, then without a flaw, submerging back into the water. 

It was absolute gold.

In the distance, you hear many students, from your school and the Sea Academy's, begin clapping. You have no issue joining in, as you parade her with whistles and cheers.

The girl swims up and pokes out of the water, on her feet! It was like she was walking on it, like something out of a fairy tale. Seeing her perform this godly ability makes you clap even more. 

She takes a subtle bow, before turning around and moving on. 

Watching her do all of those fancy and elegant poses and aerobics in and out of the water made you hyped up. You wanted to do what she could do, so with determination now in your heart and mind, you lift off your shirt, revealing your upper body, and change in a private room into your swimming trunks. Now outfitted correctly, you make your way over to the pool, but once more, your attention is caught when you see the same girl from before, talking with some other students of Sea Academy, right where you just were!

Your heart beats quickly, perhaps she would be so inclined in teaching you a smidgen of her abilities. Hoping for the best, you make your way over to her, introducing yourself.

(Y/n): "Hey there, I'm (Y/n)."

The girl hears your voice and turns to face you, along with her friends. 

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now