Ferryl Ookami x Male Reader

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Minding your own business at Seton Academy surely was challenging...

Everyday was a melee, a wild ride if you will.

Though today, something seemed way off, more so than usual. Being used to animals fighting with each other, you would come across the occasional beaten up animal along your walk around the school. However, today, there was way more bodies on the floor than usual. What surprised you even further was that these were huge animals, ranging from bears and lions and even elephants. You never in your time at this school saw them all laid out at the same time, so something was afoot, and so you tread carefully as to not run into whatever was mass producing these unconscious bodies.

Turning around a corner, you see the source of all these bodies, and you quickly hide behind the corner, peeking over to see the culprit of all of this. 

Holding a brown bear in their hands, lifting it into the air with ease, was an extremely tall girl with pink hair, some ears that looked like a wolf's, which was also accompanied by a massive and fluffy pink tail that took up half of her height. She was also wearing a different type of uniform, not like your regular one, but much darker in tone, with a red scarf on it. You also see that surrounding her were other wolves that wore a similar outfit, all watching her do her business. Assuming that she wasn't a student here must explain why she is attacking all of these apex predators on sight. Perhaps she was proving a point to our school, or just simply wanted to beat up some animals, regardless, you look over and observer her carefully.

Big Brown Bear: "Let me go!"

???: "You bunch have given nothing but trouble to my little sister. It will never happen again!"

Big Brown Bear: "Aaaahhhh!"

She destroyed him, she took him, with one arm, and slammed him with such force into the ground, that you could swear you felt the Earth shake a bit. After regaining your posture, and looking over in awestruck, you see that the bear's head is completely caved into the dirt. You clench your fists, angry at seeing this senseless violence. Despite not knowing the true cause of this whole situation, he was still a fellow student of yours, and you hated seeing others get pounded on, and even though he may have deserved it for all you know, you still didn't appreciate that some random pack of wolves decided to come over to your school and cause a havoc. 

You know you didn't stand a chance, especially against these many wolves and such a tall and incredibly strong girl, who must've been running the pack. You could hold your own, but you could only do so much against so many, but your morals had taken over you. 

(Y/n): "No!"

Running around from the corner you were peeking on from, you approach them all, stopping at a distance from them, as they all look at you, with stern and serious expressions. The tall wolf girl looks down at you like an insect, raising an eyebrow as to what you were approaching her for.

(Y/n): "You beat up these animals..."

The wolves that surrounded her all began cackling, pointing at you at how small you are compared to them. 

You were pretty tall, but compared to these other wolves, and most of all, the tall one, you were tiny in comparison.

Wolf #1: "Looks like we got a hero here."

Wolf #2: "Hey, he's human!"

Wolf #3: "I hate humans!"

Your eyes move around at each wolf that speaks, but then you turn your gaze up at the tall wolf girl, with your eyes furrowing at her, not afraid of confronting her.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now