Manako Kagami x Male Reader

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During your first week of Seton Academy, you've managed to establish yourself as a helpful and dependable guy. Always putting others first rather than yourself, you're not only selfless, but extremely generous and kind. 

This was something you were raised to act like, never did you want to be known as a jerk or a despicable person. So every time a situation arose where someone at your school needed help or advice, you were always there. 

Your hard work and sweet nature didn't go unrewarded, for soon you were praised and respected all over the school. You enjoyed this kind of notoriety, and enjoyed lending a hand even more.

However, it seems your goodwill actions captured the notice of a particular student at Seton Academy. 

It all begun when you were leaning against the lockers, awaiting for the bell to ring to signify the next class. You just finished assisting a lion in helping confessing his feelings for another girl at this school, which sounds odd considering lions are supposed to be proud and unafraid, at least that's what you thought. Taking a breather from that, you check your watch to see the time and how much you have left until the bell rings. After inspecting the time, your peripheral vision catches something, so turning your head slightly, you see a head peeking over at you, hiding behind a corner. It was a girl, from what you were able to see, she had dark gray hair and some animal ears, but what really invested your attention was her gaze. Her eyes were open so widely, and her pupils were so minuscule, it seemed like someone was shining a flashlight in her eyes.

Raising an eyebrow, curious as to why she was staring at you with such a astonished expression, you decide to go over and see who she was.

It was all useless though, because the moment you leaned off of the lockers, and turned to face her, she jolted and quickly ran away.

Truthfully you wanted to follow her to see what her deal was, but you let it go and just went on like normal.

The bell rang and you went off to class.

Lunch time came and you walked into the cafeteria, with your lunchbox in your hand, you scan the room for any available tables to eat at. While searching for a spot, a group of girls flagged you down, wanting you to seat with them. Smiling over at them, you nod and accept their offer, taking a seat right in the middle of them. They were apparently apart of King's, the lion you helped earlier, harem. They wanted to express their thanks to you for helping out King, and even offered you some of their food as a sign of gratitude, though, looking down at their plate, it revealed a large chunk of meat, with an strong aroma and very red in color. You appreciated the offer but declined, telling them you brought your own lunch. Eating together, you all got to become quick friends, laughing and talking as lunch went on, when something caught your eye once more. Looking from from taking a bite of your food, you saw the same girl from before, hiding behind the entrance door that leads to the cafeteria. Her expression was the same like before, with her eyes shot wide open and her pupils micro in size. You were certainly curious as to why she was staring and watching you with such a look. She must've saw that you were staring back, because when your eyes met hers, she hide around the door a bit more. Raising one of your hands, you motion over to her to come and join you and your new friends for lunch, but the second she saw you waving her over, she shook violently and vanished from your sight.

The girls saw your actions and wondered what happened.

(Y/n): "I'm not sure, but, I feel like I'm being watched."

Lunch ended and you said your goodbyes to your new friends, who did the same as you both went your separate ways, with you heading to your usual spot to relax before the next bell rings. Leaning against the locker, you look on as the students of Seton Academy walk/run/crawl/jump pass you, with a handful of them greeting you as they head to class. Being helpful to others surely has paid off, now everyone adores you, at least you hope they do. 

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now