Yena Madaraba x Male Reader

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Class just ended, the bell rang, and everyone was shuffling out of the school. 

The day had ended.

It was three o'clock, and the weather was perfect, the balance between cool and sunny weather made it incredible to be in. With the wind brushing against your hair, your uniform bristling with the wind, you find yourself lost in your thoughts while walking down the entrance way outside of Seton Academy. 

Your moment of bliss would halt in a matter of seconds however, when you collide shoulder to shoulder with another student.

The collision was so impactful, you both stumble from it. You look over at who you bumped into and see that it was another student, who was shrugging off their shoulder, an angry expression starting to form on their face. You prepare yourself because it looks like you're about to be shouted at.

The student turns around, their forehead red in frustration and their eyes narrowed to match their anger. 

You get a better look at them now that they are facing you, you see that it's a girl, dressed a little strangely, wearing a black buttoned shirt, and some crazy black and white pants, looking nothing like the regular uniform of Seton Academy. 

She also has short length brown hair, with some perky roundish ears, you weren't certain what type of animal she was, but you were quickly shot away from your educated guess when her light brown eyes looked straight into your (E/c) eyes.


Her train of thought stopped as her red blush that occupied her forehead now appeared on her cheeks. Her eyes relaxed and her stance did as well, it looked like she was shocked to see you. You stare at her, raising one of your eyebrows slightly, waiting for her to finish her sentence, but she just stood there, awestruck at you, for some reason. The blush on her cheeks become more apparent as she looked at you, her eyes even glistening somewhat as she stares into yours.

You decide to speak since she is having a hard time speaking instead.

(Y/n): "Sorry about that. Are you alright?"

Your gentle and masculine voice echoed through her ears, making her shiver at your tone. She quickly recomposes herself, standing up straight and clearing her throat.

???: "Uh, y-yeah I'm fine... question is, ARE YOU? Bumping into another guy must have been rough huh?"

(Y/n): "Guy?"

Yena: "Yeah! Name's Yena Madaraba, male hyena."

So she is a hyena, but what confused you most of all was that she thinks she is a male.

(Y/n): "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n), and you say you're a male?"

Yena looks at you with a puzzled look, it was clear you heard her the first time, but you wanted to ask just to be sure if she was really serious.

Yena: "I said I was. What's wrong? Never seen a male hyena before?"

You have seen some, but they all look exactly the same, but what you have never seen is a female one, and it was obvious she was a female hyena. So why does she identify as male? Perhaps it's what she wants to identify as, so you don't want to press any further into the matter, so you apologize once more and decide to head on your way.

(Y/n): "I have, but again, sorry about bumping into you."

You turn to start walking away, making her a little sad that you're leaving so soon, she acts fast and grabs your wrist, making you turn back around facing her.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now