Anne Anetani x Male Reader

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After a while, a few weeks to be specific at Seton Academy, Halloween is nearing. 

You were unsure if the students, being all animals, would even bother celebrating a holiday such as this. To your surprise, they seemed to be aware of it and actually were, like yourself, eager for the holiday to arrive. Even so far as having a school party take place on Halloween afternoon, for all the students to attend and mingle while wearing their costumes. Granted, you were far past going out and trick or treating, but you never shied away from enjoying the festivities of dressing up as something, and besides, a school party sounded interesting and fun. What to be though, muddled your thoughts, because you certainly didn't want to dress up as an animal, due to the fact that it may upset the animal you are costuming as. 

You decided to think about it after school, because the bell for the next class echoed throughout the halls, making the hallway become flushed with students and staff, all shuffling to get to their next chapter in the day.

Time went on and soon the last bell to signify the day's end came, making everyone roar and cheer on in excitement, for it was the weekend prior to Halloween, which fell on a Saturday. Gathering your backpack and folders, you stand up from your desk and begin walking out of the school, now able to think independently to yourself as to what to dress up as.

After minutes of walking, trying to consider am appropriate outfit to don, you come to a reasonable and unique idea, that wouldn't upset anyone that you know of. 

You were to be a caveman.

It was simplistic, a garment that was brown in color, or dark green would look perfect, along with carrying a massive bone would really compliment the costume all together. Lost in your design of your Halloween attire, you are snapped out of your brain storm when you hear footsteps approaching you. Looking forward, you see a girl, about your age, but she looked like she wasn't from your school. She appeared human, no special ears or tail present anywhere you could see it, and she looked, cute even. She had short red hair and blue eyes which contradicted her hair but went along with it very well. Her skin was pale, and she was pretty tall, though not as tall as you however. She stood in front of you, intently, no expression at all on her face, like she was emotionless. Her uniform wasn't at all like yours, showing she must be from a different school, because her clothes consisted of a green vest and skirt, and a white shirt underneath. You couldn't make out where this uniform was from, but it seemed, familiar. The silence between you two was unbearable, she stood in your way, and you could've just went around her, but the way she was standing, made it seem like she was wanting to say or do something to you. Looking her up and down with your pupils, as to not make it obvious, you notice she is holding something, but the angle she is standing at is concealing whatever she is holding.

Breaking the ice, because she was just standing there silently, observing you intensely, you call out to her and introduce yourself.

(Y/n): "Uh, hello?"

Your question makes her blink, and it feels like it's the first time you've seen her blink since you laid eyes on her. 

Disregarding your hello, she step one foot forward, following soon after, her other foot. This continued until she was closer to you as to where you could finally see what she had in her hands. 

It was a spear.

Seeing that you managed to get a glimpse of it, she unveils it, gripping it now with both of her hands, holding it upright and somewhat towards you. 


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Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now