Kana Shiraumi x Male Reader

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A week has passed since you begun your school year at Seton Academy, and to your excitement, the school has decided to let all of the students take a tour to another school that hosts the aquatic animals. Like Seton Academy, but for those who need or inhabit in water.

On the bus, packed to its max, with animals surrounding you making non stop noise and chaos, you were worried that with all of this mayhem happening on the bus, it would flip over or worse. Trying your best to ignore and avoid any of the other students, and being the only human male, you delve into a pamphlet that the school offered that talked and detailed the destination you all were traveling to.

Sea Academy.

You were very intrigued to say the least, because you were curious to see how the school performed it's daily curriculum. Reading it over, you see that dolphins, fish, whales and even sharks inhabited the school. Your thoughts also filled with how the girls would look with fins and scales, making you smile slyly at the thought.

Arriving finally at the entrance of the Sea Academy, all of the students rush out, getting crammed and shoved trying to exit the bus. You waited till everyone was out, not wanting to get caught in the ruckus. Stepping out, you are all guided to the massive pool that was in the center of the entire academy. Inside it, you saw students that ranged from dolphins, seahorses, stingrays and the like. It was amazing to view, because you've always admired the ocean and it's marine life, making you smile as you watch closely at all the students in the giant pool. It brings you back to when you used to visit the aquarium with your father when you were younger, always eager to see the sea creatures, but you were always happy to see one animal in particular, the beluga whale. You would always rush over to where they resided and listen to their beautiful songs they would emit from their heads. Entranced by their songs, staying there for hours until it was time to go. 

The teachers stopped the students and directed them to roam freely, as long as they behave and are learning about the Sea Academy's ways and students. 

In a flash, all of the animals dispersed and ran in all directions, leaving you still standing, wondering where you were going to go first.

You wondered if any beluga whales were here, wanting to relive your childhood nostalgia, when you look over and see something happening a few feet in front of you.

It was a girl, she had white short hair, and a pair of gorgeous blue eyes, just like the ocean. She was talking to some students, trying to get their attention, but was being ignored and turned down. You walk over and see what she was trying to do, and as you get closer to her, you get a better look at her as you draw closer. Her uniform she was wearing was like a swimsuit, which would make sense since this is a school made for sea life. It was a blue one piece with a white color and a yellow scarf. She also had on these adorable little red glasses, making her appear so cute. Her height was pretty small, though with you being quite tall, most people are smaller compared to you. At last, you approach in front of her, making her turn her head slightly to see you and smile, putting her hands together in joy that someone came up to her willingly. 

Kana: "Hi! My name is Kana Shiraumi! Would you like to see my performance I made up to welcome you all?"

Her voice was so sweet, innocent even, you couldn't help but smile at the way she sounded.

(Y/n): "That would be nice, my name is (Y/n) by the way. (Y/n) (L/n)."

Kana: "Nice to meet you (Y/n)! And alright! Follow me!"

She turns around, revealing more features she had to you. Staring at her from behind, you could see she had a fluke near her hips, white in color just like her hair. Looking at her closer now, you could swear she looks familiar. 

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now