Miki Hadano x Male Reader

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Being the only human male at Seton Academy sure was intimidating.

Many viewed you oddly and straight up didn't like you, though others did become your friend, which pleased you and relieved you. You were sure that the school year would be dreadful since really you wouldn't have much in common with a school full of animals.

One particular friend you made was a girl named Miyubi Shishio, a sloth girl who was very slow when going to class. You met her when you turned around the corner of the hall and saw her on the floor, dead. Helping her up, she thanked you and you two became friends quick. 


Since she was very fragile and prone to dying, you wanted to help your friend as much as you could. 

(Y/n): "Hey Miyubi?"

Miyubi: "Yes... (Y/n)?...."

(Y/n): "I would hate if you died again on your way to class, so hold my hand so I can make sure you don't fall or worse."

You extended out your hand, wanting Miyubi to accept your offer, in which she does. Nodding her head in agreement, she slowly takes your hand making you smile. You walk her to her class without a flaw, feeling accomplished that you helped your friend out. Little did you both know, you two were being watched.

Spying on you from behind was a tiny little naked mole rat, holding a camera pointed at you both. 

Naked Mole Rat #1: "This will surely interest the boss!"

In a private and dark room, filled with surveillance equipment, ranging from monitors and computers, was an armada of naked mole rats, all paying close attention to each and every screen to watch out for any insubordination. In the center was a girl, their leader, Miki Hadano. The President of the student council.

Wearing nothing but her underwear, which was black bra and panties, she sat in a chair, overlooking the screens and the rest of her naked mole rat team.

Miki: "Zoom in on screen twenty! And make sure the art room's surveillance is up to date!"

Naked Mole Rats: "Yes boss!"

She spoke with such authority that it was clear she was made to take the leadership role. Becoming student council president must have been a cinch for her.

Through the secret door came the naked mole rat that was spying on you and Miyubi, panting from running.

Naked Mole Rat #1: "Boss! I've found a possible romance blossoming between two students. OF DIFFERENT SPECIES!"

Every naked mole rat, including the president, Miki Hadano gasped hearing this. The naked mole rat runs up to Miki to show her the footage of you and Miyubi holding hands, and when Miki sees it, she feels her stomach drop.

Miki: "That's... (Y/n)."

Naked Mole Rat #1: "Boss?"

Miki spoke somberly, like she was hurt, but snapped out of it quickly as to not appear weak in front of her team. She cleared her throat and returned her tone back to it's serious way.

Miki: "That student is (Y/n) (L/n). And I know only one sloth female that is enrolled here... Miyubi Shishio."

Naked Mole Rat #1: "Shall I summon them to the student council room to be interrogated boss?"

Thinking to herself for a moment, she did wanted to know why (Y/n) was developing a romance with Miyubi, feeling sad thinking about it. She needed to be and act tough, especially if her views and principles she's talked and discussed about inter-species relationships was ever going to be taken seriously.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now