Kurumi Nekomai x Male Reader

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This school year was winding up to be a blast.

Mainly because you've been gaining a lot of popularity lately.

With making a ton of friends in such a short time, along with being a all round helpful guy, many have looked to you for guidance or assistance, while others simply just enjoy your company. Now every time you enter the school, you can always count on being greeted by any who cross your path, or vice versa. This was amazing, how quickly you became so likable, despite being a human in an all animal school, it felt like you were the head honcho, some even wanted to start a pack with you. You kindly declined their offers, because you liked being independent.

Though, recently it has felt like your independence was being watched over...

It all began when you went on to watch the track team perform a relay race, you attended this because the girls of the track team practically begged you to come and watch them. However, as you were on the bleachers overlooking them, you couldn't help but notice something graze against you from behind. Turning around revealed nothing, so putting it away from your mind, you turn back to the race, only to feel like a tail brushed up against your ear, making you turn around quickly only to again, see nothing there.

This went on for a few days, and you were curious as to what or who was causing it. It felt like you were being watched. Which you wouldn't have minded, considering you were pretty popular, it would've made sense that others would look on at you in awe. Though you would've liked it if they approached you, because you're always down to make new and more friends.

Thinking to yourself as you walk through the hall, you pass by a window and can't help but notice a blur of what looked like someone in a tree, staring right at you. 

You peek closer into the window to get a better look but they notice and jump down off the tree, and since you were upstairs in the school, the angle of looking down the window at the ground, made it impossible to see who it was staring at you.

(Y/n): "Who are you..."

You were very eager to identify this mysterious stalker, but not at all were you going to confront them in anger or uneasiness, instead you were going to tell them that there is no need to watch from a distance, and rather that you two can become friends.

School ends and you wave goodbye to all of your friends, as you make your way home. The sun was out and no clouds were visible making it very bright outside. Squinting your eyes to prevent them from being overwhelmed, you make your way home, but like before, you feel like you're being watched.

As you walk along a sidewalk that has trees along it, you hear rustling up in the branches. You assume that it's either the wind or another force, but looking up, you see a blur like before jump from one branch to another.

(Y/n): "What the..."

Hearing some branches crackle and snap, you see the blur in the tree start struggling, like it was about to fall. You squint your eyes even more to try to get a view of the stranger in the trees, but the sunlight is so intense, all you can see is a silhouette of them. After a bit, the branches start falling down from the tree and soon so does the stranger who was hiding up in it. Thankfully, you could see enough that it was someone and that they were falling, so you move quickly and reach out and catch them right before they hit the ground.

It was a girl.

A girl with long pink hair, cat ears, beautiful green eyes with very thing pupils, and a tail that matched her hair color. It was obvious this was a feline. When you caught her, she was very light, barely weighed anything, and she was wearing the school uniform!

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now