Chloe Mashima x Male Reader

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This school, Seton Academy has been an absolute trip.

Such an abundance of animals, which thankfully have all treated you equally. Though that would all change when you began walking down the hall, on your way to your next class.

It all seemed normal, if normal was nonstop chaos and no shortage of loud noises, but you had gotten used to it, mostly. As you were walking however, you came across a girl, white mixed with some black hair, a pink bow keeping it in a ponytail. Her socks were also very wild, matching her hair color, they were black and white in stripes. From how she looked, you could tell right away that she was a Zebra.

What confused you mostly though and made you stop dead in your tracks was that she was accompanied by an entourage of other girls. All of which had equine ears and tails, they must have been horses. Though what were they following a zebra so intently for though?

???: "My... my. Make room for the fairest of mares!"

She was talking aloud to the rest of the students that crowded the hallway and they listened. They all moved away from her so she could walk uninterrupted down the hall, some stepping aside, others leaning against the walls and lockers. She was obviously a big shot.

???: "It's so good to be popular and loved."

Horse girl #1: "You are royalty Chloe!""

Horse girl #2: "Yes, the noblest of all mares indeed!"

Mares? But Zebras aren't...

You were lost in your confusion that you forgot to move aside from her walking and she bumped right into you, causing her to stumble and step back a bit. 

The horse girls behind her gasp, and watch on in anticipation as to what will happen next. 

Chloe: "Why you, don't you know who you're bumping into?"

She says angrily at you, a stern look composing on her face. Her voice certainly was intimidating in a way.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry, I was just, lost in my thoughts, let me get out of your way."

You quickly step aside and motion her that she can keep walking but she stays put. Looking up at you and crossing her arms, still upset at what just went down.

Chloe: "Oh, so saying sorry makes you think all is forgiven? You have bumped into royalty, and I demand a more sincere apology than your feeble one."

She said a mouthful.

The students that were in the hallway at the time couldn't help but just stare at this scene. It was a free and entertaining show no doubt, unfortunately you were apart of it, and the cause of it.

(Y/n): "I said I was sorry, there's really no need to make any more of this mistake."

You were about to walk away, wanting to ignore this confrontation, but are stopped when she extends out her arm, blocking your path. She really won't let this go. She must absolutely adore the attention she's getting.

Chloe: "Oh no you don't! I demand you get on your knees human and apologize for bumping into the noblest and fairest of mares right now."

(Y/n): "Mares?"

Horse girl #2: "Yes, Chloe Mashima is a zebra! The most rare of mares and most elegant and noble."

Chloe: "Exactly! Now time is wasting human male! I don't have all day."

She thinks she's a mare.

Or the others think she's a mare. Regardless, you don't want to make this any more of a dramatic scene than it has already become, so ignoring her request of you to get on your knees and say sorry, you simply just move her arm down gently and continue on to your next class.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now