Meimei x Male Reader

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The hallways seemed empty, barely any students at all. It was like school was closed today, but as you're walking down the abandoned hallways, you hear a faint roar of cheers. Your curiosity overcomes you, so you embark on your way to the whereabouts of the noise. Reaching the school's entrance, you open it and mostly all of the students crowding around the front gates, awaiting something. Looking around, you see posters and signs being suspended and held up with the name "Meimei" on them. 

Who or what is Meimei, you thought to yourself.

Your answer would come right away, when a limo pulls up, making all of the students fall silent. The doors open up and planting a foot down, out emerges a girl, dressed in a red and white outfit, wearing sunglasses as well. From your distance, you could see that she also had long blond hair, mixed with some hints of black. She also had black circles within her hair, but as she turns and waves to the crowd of roaring and applauding students, you can see that they are her ears. Next to her was a little red panda, wearing a suit, looking like he was her agent or something.

The students all around her were taking pictures and cheering her on, like crazed fans. 

She must be a celebrity with how everyone is reacting.

This "Meimei" was enjoying everything she was receiving, she would go up to the occasional student and give them an autograph, along with blowing kisses to others, making some even faint. You weren't familiar with celebrities in the animal kingdom, so hopefully others wouldn't make fun of you for not knowing who Meimei is. 

Suddenly, Meimei begun making her way with her little red panda associate down the walkway to the school entrance, making all the other students shuffle around and move to make a path for her. This all happened so quickly, you didn't have time to move along with the influx of other students, making you stumble, trying your best to not hurt or fall on anyone.

Meimei was already approaching the entrance, where you were onlooking from, when unfortunately, your balance collapsed and you fell forward.

Doing you best to evade the other students on your way down, you prepare for impact, when you see that you're about to fall upon the animal celebrity, Meimei.

She gasps and closes her eyes, bracing for the impact, and then you fall on top of her, landing right on her.

You open your eyes and look down, and you are staring at her, with her sunglasses on, you can still see how shocked she looks. Refocusing your attention, you realize your lips are touching something soft, then reality hits you hard when you realize you fell on top of Meimei, and kissed her accidentally as a result. You quickly pull away from the kiss and scoot backwards, ashamed and embarrassed that you accidentally kissed a celebrity.

(Y/n): "Oh! So sorry! I-I fell and-"

You were cut short when the little red panda in the suit came storming at you, raising his voice.

Red Panda: "How could you violate the great Meimei! You pervert! You will not get away with this! You will be reported to your school faculty!"

As he was shouting his remarks, you dart your eyes around, looking at all the students who were staring you down. Some with looks of disgust, others with pure shock, and even some with looks of jealously. Then you turn your view to the girl you kissed on accident, Meimei. Looking at her, you noticed that she held her hand up to her lips, holding them, with a massive blush on her face, yet she didn't have a look of anger or regret it seemed.

Your attention returns to the little red panda who is still going off on you, feeling terrible, you get up onto your feet and rush into the school, running straight for the restroom.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now