Hitomi Hino x Male Reader

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Being the only human around was quite intimidating, for these animals that engulfed and enrolled at Seton Academy always look at humans like they're trouble makers. You don't let this bother you much, for you hope that you are able to get along with the others, regardless of what they perceive you as. 

Lunch time has drawn near, so grabbing a plate of a ham shank, which was the only thing that seemed the slightest bit appealing, since the majority of the menu the school offered was mainly leaned towards the animal's diets. You sit down at an empty table, thankfully there was one available, for the whole cafeteria seemed filled to the brim with other students, all making a ruckus.

Taking a deep breath, you begin slicing your meat with a plastic knife, which proved to be challenging since the meat was very thick and rough. After your attempts to try and slice it up in parts fail, you set down your plastic ware and simply just take hold of the ham shank, and take a bite out of it.

???: "Excuse me... is this table free to eat at?"

You hear a gentle female voice ask you, assuming it was an animal that couldn't sit at any of the filled tables, you turn your gaze to respond back.

(Y/n): "Absolutely, feel free to..."

Looking at the source of the voice, you see a girl, and she looked... human! I mean the other girls sort of looked human as well, but they all had animal attributes like fluffy ears, but this girl had none of that. 

(Y/n): "You're... human too?"

???: "Oh yes, I'm human, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one, which is why I approached you to be honest."

She giggles a bit at her own response, as she takes a seat next to you, placing her lunchbox on the table. 

She was beautiful, she had straight brown hair, which flowed beautifully down her shoulders. Her eyes were a pink color, such a color you could find yourself lost in. She also had a slender figure, very petite. If there was an ideal girl you could imagine, this was her.

Hitomi: "By the way, my name is Hitomi Hino. What's yours?"

She extends out her hand, wanting to introduce herself properly with a handshake. You are so entranced by her eyes, you totally forget that she has her hand out. You shake your head slightly and reach out and shake her hand, feeling it's soft and delicate touch.

(Y/n): "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Wow, and I too thought I was the only human here. It's such a relief to not be the only one Hitomi."

Hitomi smiles a cute smile, closing her eyes as she smiles, and it couldn't be any more breathtaking. 

Hitomi: "Mhm! This school is quite the place huh?"

(Y/n): "Yes, it's very... loud."

You chuckle a bit at your adjective you used to describe Seton Academy, but you were being honest. Hitomi giggles a bit, nodding her head, agreeing with you.

Hitomi: "Sure is! Though I'm very excited as to how this school year will play out."

Hitomi tells you, as she opens up her lunchbox, inside revealing a stunning array of food, all neatly organized and looking delightfully delicious. 

The aroma of it also lingers around your nose, taking a whiff and feeling intoxicated by it's excellent scent. You couldn't resist, and asked Hitomi what the food was.

(Y/n): "That looks and smells fantastic Hitomi! What is it?"

Hitomi blushes a bit, and smiles at your observation of her lunch, she looks at you and responds.

Seton Academy Girls x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now