The Begining

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In the south part of the world, there is a country. A country people fear and avoid, Antarctica. Even with the harsh cold and ice-covered land there sitting upon of the continent is an empire. This empire is vast with many towns that are scattered around the continent and two main cities that each are grand in their rights. One city sits inside of the south pool mountain made up of caves and railings that hang from the ceiling. Having paths that flow down to the floor. The second main city is the capital. The capital holds the grand castle that houses the King and his court. The city sits upon some of the only greenery in the continent. In any place you go in this icy world, you will see people working hard and enjoying life. People who dedicate their entire lives to their country.

Meanwhile in the castle is just as alive as their citizens. people rushing around with letters for the people. In one corner of the castle works Calvin who is in charge of the peace. He is solving disputes between people and making sure everyone is not breaking the law.

Out in the training grounds is Wisp. Who is in charge of the army training and that everyone is playing fairly.

Next is Pete who is in charge of the building of places in the empire. He makes sure progress is being made and everything is going according to plan. 

Then there is Phil who is in charge of the trading industry and is second in command in the empire. He is the one who sets up trades with the other countries and keeps alliances together.

Then finally is the Emperor himself Techno Blade. The most feared warrior that has ever walked the Earth. Earning himself the name The Blood God. Techno is worshipped by his people. In almost an inhuman way. Techno is the ruler of the kingdom. Watching over his people and making sure absolutely everything is going well. As he walks through the grounds of the castle people stare in aw as he passes. Bowing as soon as he is in sight. Then once he is out of view the citizens turn and whisper excitedly to each other that they saw the Blood God.

Techno walked through the halls heading to the meeting hall where himself and his court will be meeting to discuss things. He watched as people bowed to him as he passed. He cringed inside as he saw this. He hated the attention that his people gave him. Don't get him wrong though he loves his people and his country. He just doesn't think he deserves the attention. 

He entered the room. The guards opened the doors for him as he strolled in. His red cape flowing behind him as scanned the room. His court was there waiting for him in their respective chairs. They all turned to look at him. He sat in his chair looking at them.

"Your reports?" Techno said getting straight to business.

"Well," Calvin started. "Everything is going well. Nothing too serious with the people. There was an accident in Icedard. It resulted in ten casualties and some damage to the train rails. All of the families of the deceased were set into a stable setting so they can get back onto their feet."

Techno nodded turning to Pete, "I assume the repairs are going smoothly."

"Yes they are it should be done within the next week. Also the line to our sector in South Africa is going smoothly. We just ordered another shipment of water breathing potions as well. It cost around 3 diamonds for the full lot. They should be in within a day or two," Pete said going through his notes.

Techno nodded, "If the prices remain the same keep the supply up even if we have extra after the track is finished we can give out to the people to help with some jobs. Wisp how are the army sectors doing?"

"Fantastic as always. We got a lot more trainees in the last week. They have been set into the proper camps. A lot of them seem promising. There have been no major injuries. We will have to order a few more workbenches for the new wave of people. That can wait a month or so if needed." Wisp said excitedly looking through his notes.

"Just order the benches now. No need to wait. Also, I want you to donate the older one to the rehabilitation facilities. So they can be brought back into top shape. We will then send the refurbished ones to any gyms that need new equipment." Techno said offhandedly leaning his head into his fist.

"I will get right on it," Wisp said writing it down quickly.

"Phil?" Techno said turning to the second in command.

"Well, the trades with Newfoundland is going well. Same with Italy. Our relationships are the same as always. We have gotten more requests to ally with some other countries. I will look through them to see what benefits they could have. It should all be ready for the next meeting," Phil said looking up to meet Technos' red eyes.

"Hmm, they have to have real benefits for us to be allied. Be stingy with the results," Techno said looking around at everyone. "Alright if that is all I have some reports to go over." Techno stood up to leave.

"Wait um Techno there is something else," Phill said as he exchanged nervous looks with the others.

Techno turned around looking at Phil his eyes narrowing at the nervous tone he was using. "What?" He said his voice turning cold.

"Um we got a letter that you should look at," Wisp said.

"And?" Techno said his gaze hardening more.

"It's for all of the immortals meaning the five of us," Calvin said.

"It's a summon for all of us to attend a meeting," Pete said.

"Here just read it," Phil said pulling a paper out of a pocket of his kimono.

Techno snatched the letter from his hands reading it quickly.

To All Immortals that reside in the Antarctic Empire,

We request your presence in Saint-Malo for a meeting with other immortals. We have a pressing matter to discuss and we would appreciate your presence. It must be given that this is an extremely important matter and everyone must be there to find a solution. It will be held in two weeks. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Sincerely, Wilbur Soot of Newfoundland

Techno looked up from the letter once he finished. "When was this sent." His voice was as cold as the ice that made Antarctica.

"Last week. We received it after the last meeting we had," Phil said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"I don't care if you go or not but the Empire and I will not be associated with any others," With that Techno slammed the doors behind him as he stomped out of the room.

Everyone looked at each other worriedly.

"I knew he wouldn't take that well," Phill said leaning back in his chair.

"So who is going to convenience him to come?" Calvin said fiddling with his hands.

"I should he is most likely going to listen to me," Phil said standing up looking at the door thinking about how he is going to do this.

"Good luck," Pete said patting Phil's shoulder. "We will get everything ready for our departure."

"Thanks," Phill said as he headed to the door. "This might take a while."

With that everyone went their separate ways to get ready for the meeting.

And that is the first chapter peoples. I will say I would have not written this if it weren't for the support of an amazing discord server I am on. So thanks. Anyways thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.


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