The Meeting

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-------Five days later-------(Two days before the meeting)--------

"Techno please," Phil said struggling to keep pace with the tall man. "We have to go they said its urgent."

"Whatever it is can do without me," Techno said in a strong and cold tone. "Antarctica will stay out of anything that needs all the immortals to come together. I will not allow my empire to be brought to ruin by those brainless swine."

"Techno please we are not asking you to help them. We are asking you to go and just hear them out," Finally Phil caught up enough to grab his wrist. Techno turned his cold eyes to his friend. "Please Techno just hear them out. Listen to what they have to say. Then you can leave. Please just this one thing." Phil begged before releasing his wrist.

Techno stared at him for a minute before he sighed in defeat. "Fine I'll go but Antarctica is still and will never be apart of whatever this is. I also have a few meetings in the Africa sectors before I will have to be there so I might be a bit late."

Phil smiled, "That's perfectly fine as long as you will be there. I'm sure they won't start before everyone is there."

Techno rolled his eyes, "Joy to the world. Now if you excuse me I have to get ready." With that, he continued walking to his destination his red cape flinging behind him.

--------Meeting Day--------

Phil, Pete, Wisp, and Calvin exited their plane looking up at the building the meeting was going to be in. They looked at each other and shrugged. They walked into the entrance opening the doors to be met with a big round table that could just about fit everyone.

Calvin looked around before nervously asking, "Techno is coming right?"

"Ya, he is just going to be a bit late. I hope he is at least," Phil said whispering the last sentence before spotting Wilbur talking to Josh in a corner. He nudged everyone before heading over to Wilbur to talk. They followed him as they didn't know anyone there.

"Wilbur it is so good to see you," Phil said tapping him on the shoulder. Wilbur turned and smiled at Phil.

"Phil my man it's been too long. How have you been? Is this everyone from the Antarctic?" Wilbur asked pulling Phil into a bro-hug.

"I am doing fantastic and no this isn't everyone. His highness is going to be a  bit late because of some meetings," Phil said gesturing at the others.

"Wait but I thought you were the Emperor?" Wilbur asked raising an eyebrow.

Phil laughed and the others chuckled a bit at it too. "No no I am only the second in command. I could never take Technos place," Phil said waving his hand like he was dismissing the comment.

The small chatter around them halted at the mention of Technos name. They turned to look at the members of the empire. "Wait Techno as in Techno Blade?" Wilbur asked with an extremely shocked look on his face.

Phil scratched the back of his head. "Yep, the one and only. He should be here in a few moments, hopefully." Phil glanced nervously at the door as he said that last word.

A voice from their left suddenly spoke up. "I thought Techno Blade was just a legend that you told your people," They turned to the voice it was Fit from the Flordia Empire.

The Antarticans were surprised to hear that. They knew a lot of their country was kept within the country but they didn't expect this. "No of course he is real. Who else fought off the barbaric tribes that used to own our land. Who else runs the empire like a well-oiled machine. Who else keeps everything in order," Wisp said turning to the others in the room.

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