Isolation (#1 of Backstory)

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TW/ blood and death

These are the trigger warning for this part of the backstory. There is not a lot in this chapter of the backstory so it should be relatively okay. I did want to put it here just in case for the people who aren't that good with this kinda stuff. If you really aren't that good with this kinda stuff and still want the back story details without all of the tw I will answer to the best of my abilities. There are no main character death or cc deaths as they are all made up people that are relevant to the story.

Also another small note I made a slight change. Instead of only the royal guard being artificial immortal all the Unit Leaders are artificial immortal as well. Alright that's it enjoy!

The sun shined threw the windows of the African castle. Techno blinked his eyes open slowly groaning at the bright light that was the sun. He had stayed up all night doing paperwork so every part of him was exhausted. He rolled over to his side and gazed threw the window to his left. He stared out at the Sahara that made up Somera the capital of the Africa region of the empire. He sighed before sitting up and rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. He stood up and headed to his desk in the room. He then sat down and completed the last few things he left before Dream made him go to sleep.

Speaking of the devil the doors opened and Dream walked in pushing the cart that held all of Technos morning items like his clothes and coffee. Techno didn't acknowledge him as he was filling out the work on his desk. Dream huffed before walking over to him and taking the pen out of his hands.

"The work can wait for now get ready we have to get back to the capital quickly. You have some things to do there," Dream said handing Techno his coffee.

Techno sighed and nodded, if he worked on it now he would be stuck there all day. It was never-ending. He then got up and headed to the bathroom to shower and change. Once he was done Dream handed him a muffin to eat and they headed to the airstrip. They quickly boarded the plane and soon it was off in the air heading to Antarctica.

"What is happening today?" Techno said gazing out the window staring at the clouds as they flew bye.

"Well, it's mostly meetings for the festival. As you know from yesterday the main part of it is going to be at the capital this year because of the guests. On the bright side though you are meeting with Finn to get your outfit ready for next week," Dream said trying to bring up the mood a bit.

"Your interpretation of the meetups with Finn is very different from mine. I mean it's great to see him but..," Techno trailed off tilting his head a bit.

"Hey, your misery feeds me with delight," Dream chuckled at Techno.

"Oh shut up. You don't have to wear all that fancy stuff," Techno huffed crossing his arms turning away from Dream.

"Please you wear fancy clothes all the time shouldn't you be used to it," Dream said shaking his head at his childishness.

"Ya, but at least these clothes are comfortable. The extra fancy stuff is painful and should be a type of torture technique. Plus it draws way too much attention to me," Techn said glaring at Dream.

"Please it's not that bad the shoes I will agree with but everything else you are just overreacting about," Dream said shaking his head at his friend.

"No the shoes are fine. You can not say I don't look god damn amazing in heels. I would wear them every day if I could but they are only for special occasions sadly. Everything else is just itchy and so hard to get on and off," Techno says defending his beloved shoes.

Dream rolled his eyes at the pink-haired man. "Please you don't look that good in heels," Dream said looking at Techno with a 'are you kidding me' face.

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