Extra #1

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Alright, a little bit of context here. So all of these Extras will be one-shots for this AU. I have no name for this AU so if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments. Also, these extras will be more centered around parts that will not be too much explained in the regular story. Like I will most likely do one for the backstory of the empire but I will also do a fun one that revolves around a certain event that we all know and love about the actual SMP Earth series. So that is the general explanation for theses one-shots let's get right to it!

The Emperor and His Personal Guard

A platonic one-shot of Techno and Dream. All about the day to day life of the two. (By the way this is when none of the other visitors were in the empire. this is just a generally normal day for the two.)

Dream was peacefully sleeping in his bed when the lights in his room started to flash and a few beeps were heard. Dream groaned flipping over onto his back saying, "Not again why can't that man ever have a normal schedule for anything." He then got up and quickly walked to his closet grabbing his general weapons and changing into his normal green hoodie and jeans. He grabbed his mask and left out his door. He quickly walked to the door next to his opening it to see Techno gone from his bed. He glanced around the room noticing that his weapons were missing.

After confirming he was out Dream instantly rushed out of the circular dome that held all of the royal guards and Technos rooms. He rushed down the hallway thinking of where to go. He decided to check the library first. He rushed down the long and cold corridors of the castle. once he arrived at the library he did a quick scan of the room, no Techno.

Dream then decided to go to the courtyard as usually when Techno had a nightmare he would head there for some fresh air. Dream quickly went back to his quick pace as he headed to the courtyard that Techno went to if he had a nightmare. Once he arrived he glanced around quickly going further in a bit to glance at all the benches. Once he established that Techno was not there he quickly continued his pace through the castle.

Jumping from all the places Techno would be during this time of night. Then an idea struck him. The training area, he hates to train when people are there he must be there training. Once he had a destination in sight he quickly picked up his pace heading to the training ground. Once he got there he quietly opens the doors into the private royal gym. Only the highest in the ranks could use it. It would ensure that no would be there with Techno. Dream glanced around only to find Techno in the corner practicing his bow shots. He silently made his way to the royal watching as he focused on the targets before firing his arrow.

"You know you are supposed to wake me if you are going anywhere?" Dream said crossing his arms standing ten feet behind the pink-haired man.

Techno sighed at Dreams voice. "I wanted to be alone for a bit," Techno said quietly as he walked up to the targets pulling out his arrows before heading back to his position.

"I know that but you know as well as I do the only alone time you are ever going to get is when you are in bed sleeping," Dream said before grabbing his bow going beside Techno and starting to fire his shots, "Also you need to fix your schedules sleeping and general."

Techno scoffed at the last part, "As if that would ever happen. The most regular I would get is if you knock me out at 20 hundred hours and made sure I stayed out of it for a good eight hours."

Dream chuckled at that, "That couldn't be more true."

The two then fell into silence firing their bows for a couple of hours. Finally, after a long time Techno sat down a the floor gazing up threw the windows that made the ceiling into the night sky. Dream noticed his movement and went to sit next to him.

A Misunderstood Emperor (SMP EARTH AU/MCYT)Where stories live. Discover now