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~Luke's POV~

I went to sit down at the table that I sat at by myself everyday, but someone suddenly called my name, making me look over my shoulder.

One of the guys on the football team with me was looking at me as he held a tray in his hand—his name was Nicolai, if I remembered. Names weren't my strong point so I pretty easily forgot what people's names were. I raised a brow at him, silently asking what he wanted. "Come on. You're sitting with the rest of the football team from now on. You look lame sitting alone." He said, making me frown a little.

Who the fuck cared if I looked lame sitting alone? Certainly not me.

However I didn't want to start a needless argument, so I just followed him through the cafeteria until we reached this big ass table that consisted of a bunch of other tables grouped together. When we got there, I recognized a lot of people from the team, but the only one I could put a name to was Jase because he had a weird looking face. It was like a bicycle seat.

As I sat down, someone came stomping up to the table and a tray was slammed down across from Nicolai by a thin Korean girl with black hair and bangs that fell into her eyes. She looked pissed. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She hissed at Nicolai, grey eyes narrowed into slits. I had no idea who she was, but she had more fury than hell itself all in her eyes. And Nicolai just smirked at her. "I noticed Ave has been sitting here, so I figured I'd come and keep her company. She loves me, after all." He drawled, making her tighten her grip around the edges of the tray.

Suddenly, I spotted another familiar face walking up behind the angry girl in front of us, a smile on her pink lips. Well, until her eyes landed on the people who were now sitting at the table she'd evidently been sitting at these past few days. Her smile dropped as she looked at Nicolai, who just leaned over the table and grinned at her almost maliciously.

Honestly, I didn't know what the fuck was going on. Nicolai had told me that this girl, Maeve, had been playing around with him so he dumped her. I wasn't sure what he'd meant until last night, when he had shouted at her from the other end of the football field. It had surprised the fuck out of me that he'd said that to her, especially in front of the entire football team. I didn't know what to make of Nicolai or Maeve.

The only thing that I was really sure about was that Maeve was drop dead gorgeous. I mean, she was quite a stunning girl. Nicolai was lucky to have ever been able to even kiss a girl who looked like that, honestly.

I watched as Maeve reluctantly sat down across from me, her green eyes wary as she looked at Nicolai. "Why are you sitting here, Nicolai?" She mumbled in her soft voice. He just grinned. "It's like I told Pri. I noticed you've been sitting here, so I decided to come and keep you company. I'm sure you've missed me, anyways." He said, making her curl her top lip up in disgust. "The only thing I miss is the peace I feel when you're not around, so I'd actually prefer if you weren't here at all. Like, ever." She huffed, stabbing her fork into a piece of chicken.

Maeve rolled her eyes when he just snickered and then glanced up as she chewed her chicken, her pretty green eyes landing on me for the first time since she sat down. I assumed she'd been so focused on Nicolai she hadn't even noticed me until now. She choked on her chicken and coughed a little, turning her head away as she cleared her throat and tried to calm herself.

When she was finished, she looked back up at me again and smiled awkwardly at me. "I didn't know you were hanging out with him." She said to me, glancing over at Nicolai. "He forced me over here." I muttered, staring at her.

She smiled a little and fiddled with her fingers, chewing on her cheek. "Well, at least you're making friends." She said optimistically, as if the person I was making friends with wasn't her ex boyfriend who was beginning to seem like a giant douchebag from what I had gathered so far. "I saw you on the field last night. You joined the team, right?" She asked me, trying to start up conversation. And honestly, I would've gladly fallen into it with her and kept talking, if only Nicolai hadn't felt the need to butt in.

"Yeah, my dad put him on the team." He said, trying too hard to be casual and cool. Her pretty face lit briefly with annoyance at the sound of his voice as she looked over at him. "Yeah, I remember who the coach is, thanks." She stated dryly, making me have to stifle an amused smile.

Nicolai huffed and scowled while I studied the side of his face, feeling a little bit curious. Although I wasn't sure what the hell had happened exactly between him and Maeve, I knew he was bitter and angry about it, which I'd learned last night on the field. I'd also learned she apparently hadn't given him her virginity, though I honestly didn't see why that mattered or what that had to do with anything at all. Whatever it was that had happened, though, still hadn't changed the facts—this idiot was still interested in her. I guess nobody told him that yelling about your sex life with your ex in front of an entire football team just to humiliate her isn't exactly the way to get the girl.

Maeve's green eyes flicked back over to me. "What made you want to join the football team?" She asked me, trying once again to spark up a conversation. And once again, Nicolai thwarted her attempts. "Ave, you remember that girl Macy, right? The one on the cheerleading squad last year?" He butted in again, causing her to look at him and slowly nod her head. His eyes practically sparkled and he grinned, leaning forward a little. "You think she'd go out with me?" He asked, surprising both me and her.

Her pink lips parted and I raised my brows as I looked at his face, wondering what the hell he was doing here. What was he trying to do with Maeve?

"Not that you're even good enough for her in the first place, but yes, I do." She scowled at him, green eyes glinting with irritation. She clearly really didn't like him, making me wonder what he'd done to her. "Now leave me alone. You're annoying." She said bluntly, before she looked back at me again. It seemed like she really wanted to get to know me, though I didn't really understand why. Although I was on the football team and she was evidently in cheerleading, she and I were incredibly different. I was quiet and didn't have any friends whereas she was outgoing and, judging by the way she kept trying to talk to me, she liked making new friends.

Beside me, Nicolai huffed and narrowed his eyes at her, looking irritated. I wondered if maybe he actually hated her just as much as she hated him, because he looked at her like he did and he was kind of a giant asshole to her. It was within my nature to be curious, but I wasn't one for trying to involve myself in other people's drama. No, I just observed and gained information as I went along.

"You know, you ever think maybe your attitude is why we broke up?" He scoffed at her. If I wasn't seeing things, she looked amused at his words. "Really? And here I thought we broke up because you were having a fit over me not wanting to have sex with you." She said with a roll of her eyes, stuffing another piece of chicken into her mouth.

And just like that, it all made sense—why she hated him, why he was such a dick to her, and why they had broken up.

"Oh, please." Nicolai sneered. "Don't pretend like this was my fault. You were plenty willing to get on your knees but you couldn't spread your legs?" He scowled, and then she did something that genuinely caught me off guard. "Those aren't even close to being the same!" She snapped, right before she picked up the chicken on her tray and threw it at his face.

I looked at Maeve in surprise, studying her angry features and raking my eyes down her body as she angrily stood up from the table with her tray in hand. She stomped off, completely fuming as her friend scrambled to get up from the table to rush off after her. When they were both gone, I glanced at Nicolai, raising a brow at him. He looked irritated but tried to cover it up when he saw me looking at him. "If only she weren't such a little priss, huh?" He said, chuckling to himself. I stared at him harder and then sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Sucks for you, man. She's hot." I admitted, shrugging.

To be perfectly honest, I didn't really care about their drama with one another because I didn't know them. I wasn't going to be taking sides when I knew nothing about him or her.

Nicolai sighed deeply and pushed his tray away. "I know, right?" He agreed, frowning. "Can't believe I wasted three months and still never even got to go all the way with her. That was the only reason I even began dating her in the first place." He muttered, now looking bored as he stared down at the table and rested his chin on his palm. I hummed with disinterest, taking my book out of my backpack now that she was gone. I'd been rather entertained just by looking at her pretty face and now I was left with Nicolai, who I had no intention of befriending.

So instead of making conversation, I just ignored him and read for the rest of lunch.

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