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~Maeve's POV~

Jase was clearly mad at me for having told Luke about what happened between us, but I didn't really care. He was pretty much always mad at me, even when I hadn't done anything, so it didn't exactly make much of a difference.

Huffing, I watched as Priscilla directed some of the new girls on the cheer team into the correct pose, helping them get their form better while I stood at the front of them all, watching over them to be sure that everyone was participating. Sometimes girls would try to laze their way through our warm ups, or through cheer leading in general, and I never would put up with that. It was either give it your all or get out, to me.

I pulled my cheer shirt down a little, making sure my tummy wasn't exposed too much. As I looked over everyone and saw that they were all participating happily, or as happily as they could be, I smiled to myself and clicked my stopwatch off when it began to beep at the end of the timer, letting them all know that we'd finished this stretch in particular. Next we began to do jumping jacks, continuing on with our usual warm up that we did every time before we practiced.

Once we finished doing warm ups, Priscilla returned up to the front at my side, where we shortly discussed what we were going to work on today with them. I insisted that we needed more work on our pyramid while she argued, saying that the most important thing to work on was the double basket toss tuck. Some of the girls who'd done cheer before were pretty good at both the pyramid and the double basket toss tuck, but many of the new girls lacked balance on the pyramid and ability in the toss tuck. Both of them were pretty important to get down, since we'd eventually be doing both out on a field.

However, I eventually caved in and nodded my head at her. "Okay. Double basket toss tuck it is." I pouted, glancing over at all of the girls. It was probably a better idea that we start with this right now, anyways, because, in my opinion, it was harder than the pyramid. Sure, the pyramid required strength and balance in great quantities, but the double basket toss tuck would perhaps take longer to teach the beginners.

After I picked out a couple of the more experienced girls from the team, who I was absolutely positive could help with this, I turned to the rest of the team with Pri and smiled at them all. "We're gonna show you the next stunt we'll be working on. How long it takes to learn this stunt shouldn't be more than about a week or two at most, but it really just depends on how fast you all learn." I explained to them, earning several head nods of understanding.

Everyone began to get into the position that they knew by now and I took my position within their arms, hoisting myself up onto their hands as they prepared to toss me up. There were soft mats all over the floor around us, just in case they didn't catch me and I fell. However, I was confident in both them and myself, so I wasn't really that worried about falling.

They all timed it perfectly and tossed me way up, my heart pounding as I sort of folded my legs towards my chest when doing my double back flip. When I had first begun doing stunts like these, I was terrified and I dreaded each one simply out of my fear of falling from such a height. Now, though, I actually had really grown to love the adrenaline it gave me. Something about it felt freeing, and so beyond just fun. I loved it. My body fell back down and I stretched my legs out again, not surprised when they all caught me flawlessly.

I was dizzy when I was finally lowered onto my feet, a stupid grin on my face. "And that's how it's done." I said to them all, giving the girls who had helped a thankful smile as I stepped back beside Priscilla.

Because Priscilla and I had already shown all of them, even the new girls, how to do a regular basket toss, it seemed like they all were doing pretty well with the double basket toss. They already knew how to do flips and they'd all grown familiar with either being tossed or doing the toss itself. However, the part they all seemed to have trouble with was the double backflip that was supposed to be done up in the air. They could do backflips for this stunt, but none of them seemed to know how to do two of them so fast. I mean, once tossed, they were only up in the air for so long. This stunt would definitely take some practice for the beginners, that was for sure.

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