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~Maeve's POV~

"Come on, blondie." Luke pouted at me as he drove me home in his car after the party was over. "Can't I stay the night? I wanna spend the night with you, Mae." He whined, right as he was turning down the street to my house.

I giggled softly and went to lean onto the console between our seats, but my elbow somehow missed, making me roughly slam into the console with my arm. I gasped in pain and clutched my arm, right before I giggled again, this time at my own clumsiness. "But it's late. Y-Your parents will worry." I slurred slightly, peering up at him as I rested my chin on the console, slumped over in my seat. He just sighed and gave me a brief glance, a heavy frown on his lips as he tried to drive as slowly as possible down my street, prolonging the car ride as much as he could so that I wouldn't have to go. "They'll be fine. I can just text them. They already know that I have a girlfriend, so it's not like I'd have to lie or anything." He huffed, reluctantly turning the car into the driveway.

He parked in the driveway behind my car and I hummed as I stared up at him with my chin still propped on the console, actually beginning to consider it now. "You told your family about me?" I asked dumbly, unable to not focus on that little tidbit of information. For some reason, I guess I just thought that he hadn't, just like I hadn't told anyone in my family yet. I almost felt guilty for not telling them when he'd already told his.

The edges of his pretty pink lips twitched up a little and he brushed a strand of my blonde hair out of my face, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I felt my cheeks warm when he gave me the sweetest smile. "Of course. No way in hell would I be able to not brag about having a girlfriend as awesome as you." He hummed, causing me to giggle to myself due to how flustered I was becoming. "Well, I think you're pretty awesome too." I said kindly, and then I grinned like an idiot as I leaned towards him more. "And the things you can do with your mouth and hands are pretty amazing too." I teased, playfully poking him in the stomach.

It was obvious my words surprised him because his eyes widened in surprise and he raised his brows, a slight smirk on his lips. "I see someone's still a little bit tipsy." He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. I grinned and leaned over the console, kissing him sloppily. Despite the fact that it was probably not too pleasant, Luke didn't stop me but rather began to kiss me back, his arm slithering around my waist as he gently and carefully pulled me over into his lap. Straddling him, I felt my head spinning and my poor heart racing uncontrollably, his soft lips moving gently against mine.

Smiling into the kiss, I placed my hands on his shoulders and, without thinking much, I leaned back a little bit while making sure he was pressed back against his seat. However, I leaned back a little bit too much and knocked the steering wheel, setting the horn off loudly.

I squealed and jerked away from the steering wheel, clinging to Luke as my chest now pressed firmly against his. With my head tucked beneath his chin, Luke chuckled softly and stroked a hand down the back of my hair. "What are you doing?" He hummed, kissing my forehead. I giggled softly and trailed a hand down his arm. "I wanna do dirty things with you." I confessed, making him raise his brows again. His blue eyes met my green ones and he grunted in surprise when I, in my still tipsy state, boldly decided to grab his crotch.

He gasped and quickly grabbed my wrist, forcing my hand away as his cheeks flushed pink. "Maeve," He said through a husky groan. "Don't. I'm not gonna take advantage of you when you're drunk, so please don't give me blue balls like that." He complained.

Pouting, I slouched into him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "No fun!" I whined, kissing his cheek. He hugged me against him and buried his face into my hair, giving me a sweet kiss right back on my cheek. "We should get you inside, blondie, and then I'm gonna spend the night." He murmured, opening his car door before he got out with me still clinging to him like a koala to a tree. Of course, that made it a little harder for him to get out, but he somehow managed.

After I gave him the key to the house, he and I headed inside the quiet house. Jase must've still been out partying, and I knew that mom and dad were certainly fast asleep in their room by now. It was past one AM, after all, so it was pretty late.

We headed upstairs into my bedroom, where he quietly shut the door as I crawled into bed and flopped down onto my tummy. "Mmmmuh," I groaned to myself at how comfortable my bed was. "Maeve, don't fall asleep yet. I know you're probably tired, but you should put on something more comfortable." Luke advised me in a soft, gentle voice as he sat down on the edge of my bed. A grumble of complaint left me as I rolled over onto my back, staring up at him through sleepy eyes. "You change me." I demanded, my head spinning when I sat up too fast.

Luke raised his brows in surprise. "You want me to change your clothes for you?" He repeated, probably not expecting me to demand that of him. I giggled softly and leaned over to give him a kiss. "Please, my sweet boyfriend." I pleaded, and his lips twitched up a little. "Praise me a little more, blondie." He decided, and I grinned as I nuzzled my face into his strong arm. "Won't you please help me change, my handsome, amazing boyfriend?" I asked, and he smiled a little bigger. "More." He said.

Giggling, I pounced on him and wrapped my arms around his broad frame from the side, kissing all over his face. "You're so good at making me cum." I said stupidly, and he barked out a surprised laugh as he looked at me, pure mirth in his eyes. "Okay, okay. I'll get you some pajamas, Mae." He breathed, softly chuckling to himself as he gently pulled me off and then got up to search my dresser drawers for pajamas. I kicked my shoes off onto the floor and sniffled a bit before I sneezed. "Bless you." Luke muttered thoughtlessly, searching through the drawers still.

I moaned and flopped onto my back with my arms spread out beside me. "I have you. I already am." I responded as I tried to wiggle out of my skirt.

"Fuck." I heard him mumble to himself as he approached me again, holding my pajamas in his hands. "You're so cute." He smiled softly and leaned over to kiss me on the forehead again, which made my heart flutter.

Luke helped me out of my skirt and then my top and bra, all of which were discarded on my bedroom floor. I giggled when I noticed his blue eyes flicking down to my breasts every few seconds, trying and failing miserably to keep his eyes above my chest. "You like?" I teased, and his cheeks flushed a soft pink as he huffed and shook his head at my behavior. "God, you're a handful, blondie." He muttered, gesturing for me to raise my arms above my head.

He slipped the silky white nightgown over my head and I smiled when I realized he'd picked out one of my favorite pajama dresses, which was white silk and had soft pink flowers all over it. It was very comfy. "How'd you know I love this one?" I mumbled, my hair somewhat frizzed up when my head popped out of the top of the dress, slipping my arms through the holes.

"I didn't. Just thought you'd look cute in it." He said, pulling my hair out of my dress so it fell down my back. A smile rose on my face and I placed a slightly wet kiss on his cheek, making him chuckle. "Where are your makeup wipes, Mae?" He hummed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling. "In the drawer there." I answered, pointing to the drawer that was on my vanity. He grabbed the makeup wipes and then crawled up in my bed, straddling me.

Then, he began taking off my makeup for me, trying to be as gentle as he could while I just laid there, enjoying the warmth of having him so close to me. Once he finished taking off my makeup, I peeled my eyes open and smiled up at him as he sat beside me, gently grabbing his hand. "You'll stay the entire night?" I asked softly, peering up at him. His eyes sparkled. "Until you have to force me out tomorrow." He swore, earning a giggle from me.

So I slipped underneath the blankets while he turned off the lights and undressed until he was in his boxers. When he slid into my bed, I cuddled into his chest and clung to him tightly. "Goodnight, Luke." I whispered, feeling his lips brush my forehead. "Goodnight, Mae." He said just as softly.

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