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~Maeve's POV~

I squealed as Luke tossed me down onto his bed, my body bouncing on top of the soft black sheets. It was Saturday, a day I usually spent cooped up at home in my bedroom, except my plans to do exactly that had been stomped out when Luke called me at eight AM, complaining that he wanted to see me. And so, an hour and a half later, here I was at his house, though I'd told Jase that I was going to see Desirae since he still didn't know about Luke and I somehow.

Luke crawled onto the bed and over me, a playful grin on his face as his hands planted on either side of my head. My lips in a little grin, I peered up at him and slithered my arms around his neck. "Did you just call me over to make out?" I teased, his lips brushing against mine as he pressed himself close to me.

Our chests brushed and he grinned wickedly. "Is that what you want to happen? Because it can be why, if you want." He hummed, blue eyes sparkling. I giggled and trailed a hand around, feeling the broad expanse of his back. "Only if you ask nicely." I negotiated quietly, making him chuckle and raise a brow at me curiously. "Nicely? You've kinda struck me as the hot and heavy make out type, considering how many times you've tried to jump my bones since we started dating." He taunted playfully, making my face burn brightly.

But he was right. More often than not, I was the one of us two who initiated our make out sessions. I was also the one who'd practically been on the verge of begging for him to make me cum after our first kiss.

"Everyone likes slow, sweet kisses, though." I pouted, making his lips twitch. He leaned closer, nearly sealing his lips over mine, and then hesitated for a second before he kissed me softly. A shiver rolled down my spine as we kissed slow and deep, his chest brushing against mine as he nudged my legs apart gently and slid his body between my thighs.

The kiss didn't stay slow for very long, though. I gently grabbed his wrists and opened my eyes, leaning my head back into his soft pillows as my lips broke away from his. His eyes landed on me and I smiled, guiding his hand to my chest until his palms rested on my breasts. A little blush colored his cheeks and I giggled, placing my hands on top of his as I arched up into his touch. "You're more shy about this than I am." I noted softly, unable to help myself when I smiled. "It's cute." I added, and he blushed harder.

"I-I'm not a virgin or anything like you, though..." He muttered, making me smile slightly. "I just haven't really been with a girl like this in a long time and you're so beautiful, and so..." He cleared his throat as his eyes wandered down my figure. "You're so fucking tempting and soft." He said finally, his voice coming out a little hoarse.

My cheeks warmed at the look on his face. "That turns you on?" I asked softly, cocking my head to the side. We were both blushing and flustered as he nodded, his hands squeezing my breasts tighter, making me bite my lip. "Fuck, yes. You've no idea how much I like your body, Maeve." He breathed. I squirmed a little beneath him and felt my panties begin to dampen, curling my toes in anticipation. "Really?" I whispered, my voice coming out shaky.

Breathing heavily, my chest heaved beneath his hands as he squeezed and groped my breasts. "I-I kind of worried you might think I'm too fat." I admitted quietly, causing his head to snap up to me, dark eyes locking with mine. "Why the hell would I ever think that?" He frowned, furrowing his brows.

"Well, I don't know..." I mumbled in embarrassment. "Nicolai used to make comments about how he wanted me to lose weight all the time. I guess I thought you might think I should lose weight, too." I confessed, rounding my hand to the front of his chest, where I played with the buttons on his shirt.

Luke scoffed and shook his head, one hand tracing over the shape of my figure, starting at my breasts and going down the side of my waist before stopping at my thighs. "Not even a chance, blondie. You're perfect no matter how much you weigh." He muttered, making my face warm. I felt his hand slip around between my thighs, grasping at the bare flesh as he hoisted my leg up until it looped around his hip.

A gasp left me as I peered up at him, my heart racing in my chest. "You're sure?" I whispered, pulling him closer until our chests pressed firmly together. I felt like I needed his confirmation, to know that he liked how I looked, and it was odd. When Nicolai and I had been together, I'd wanted his confirmation a little, but not like I did with Luke. Most of the time, I didn't really care much about how guys thought about what I looked like.

He suddenly pressed his hips against my core and I nearly moaned at the bulge I felt against my panties, constrained within the tightness of his pants. "Does that feel like I'm unsure, Mae?" He purred, and I whimpered softly as I shook my head and felt him gently rock his hips against my core. My face was flushed and my breathing heavy, my arms rounding his shoulders to grip at the back of his shirt as I kissed him desperately. Against my lips, he moaned lowly and squeezed my breasts harder over the fabric of my light blue floral dress as he rotated his hips against me again.

"Fuck," He groaned lowly against my mouth, his breath just as heavy as mine. The sound had my panties growing wetter and my hands fisting his shirt.

"Luke," I whimpered softly, desperately pulling him closer to me as I pushed my hips up into his. He groaned again, louder this time, and bit my lip hard as he tugged it with his teeth. "Sounds so good when you say my name like that, blondie." He chuckled breathlessly, his warm breath fanning my skin as he kissed my jaw.

I whined quietly and he sucked at my neck, gently biting the flesh as his tongue lapped over it. Simultaneously, he rutted his hips against my core, my panties probably exposed due to the way the skirt of my dress had ridden up. Another little moan left me, one of my hands trailing up his back until my fingers pushed into his soft blonde hair, playing with the locks as my nails grazed his scalp. He must've liked it because I felt his cock pulse through the fabric of our clothes and he let out a little breathy gasp into my neck, pushing his head into my hand much like a puppy.

"Maeve," He breathed, his lips brushing my jaw as our eyes fluttered open. I imagined I looked as flushed and riled up as he did. "Do you even know what you do to me? You fucking feel that?" He nearly growled, grinding his bulge against me harder, more fervently.

My breath hitched in my throat and, the very next second, Luke's bedroom door was being roughly flung open. "Have you even been checking your phone, you—holy fuck!" Someone came in yelling at the top of his lungs, making me scream while Luke's head whipped around. It was some guy with tan skin and black hair nearly shaved to the scalp, and wide brown eyes that were darting around with an amused look on his face. "Cal, what the fuck?! Get out!" He yelled at his friend, scrambling off of me to cover up my lower half that had been slightly more exposed due to the skirt of my dress shifting up.

His friend, who I assumed was named Cal, just laughed hard and then skittered his way out of Luke's room. When Luke glanced back over at me, his face was just as red with embarrassment as mine felt. "Sorry, Mae. That's one of my idiot friends from my old school. I gave him a key to the house, but I swear I didn't know he'd be coming over." He explained in a rush, shyly rubbing the back of his neck as he stared down at his blankets.

A tiny smile rose on my lips and I crawled into his lap before I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug. "I believe you. It's okay, it was just an accident, and it's not like he saw anything really. No big deal." I said softly, giving him a soft kiss on his chin. He blushed even harder and tightened his arms around me. "Don't baby me like that, Mae." He pouted, but I just giggled and pushed a strand of his messy blonde hair off of his forehead. "You like it." I insisted confidently, giving him another kiss on both of his cheeks. The tips of his ears were pink by now and he was peering at me with the most embarrassed and yet still tender gaze. "C'mon, blondie. What if Calum comes barging back in?" He muttered, earning another smile from me.

"Then let's go out to him. I didn't even know you had any friends." I teased, making him huff. "I have friends." He sulked, helping me out of his bed after I got off his lap.

A playful grin played on my lips. "Then introduce me to them already!"

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