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~Maeve's POV~

Priscilla sighed as she laid on my bed on her back, a frown on her lips. "Are you done yet?" She whined, turning her head to glance over at me with an impatient furrow in her brows.

I giggled softly and looked at her over my shoulder, a grin on my face as I set my mascara down on my vanity. "Does it look like I'm done yet?" I teased, gesturing to the pajamas that I was currently still wearing. She was rather impatient for me to finish getting ready to go, as we were supposed to be meeting Desirae at a party tonight since it had been a little while since we'd all hung out together again. As I knew she would, Priscilla pouted at me and rolled onto her side so she could look at me easier. "Well, hurry up!" She complained, practically whining at me. I really loved her but sometimes she was a lot to deal with. "You know how Desirae is; she'll probably already be completely drunk off her ass by the time we get there." She added with a huff.

Smiling to myself as I swipe on some sparkly lip gloss, I finish up doing my makeup and then stand up, deciding that I should probably get dressed now. I don't bother going into the bathroom or my closet when I change, because it doesn't really matter to me if Priscilla is here. We're on the cheer team together and have been friends for years, so it's not like we haven't seen each other in our underwear. Same with Des—we've all just known each other so long that we've seen each other like that, so it's not a big deal to me.

Although this was a party that we were going to, I didn't feel much like dressing up super nice, so I just kept it a little bit casual instead. My skirt was a pink leopard print and was a little short, while my white crop top had lettuce trim short sleeves and had a little picture on the front of a purple teddy bear hugging a pink teddy bear. I decided to wear a pair of white sneakers and then spritzed myself with a little bit of perfume, before turning to Priscilla as she slid off my bed.

"Ready to go?" She asked excitedly, clearly itching to go. I assumed she must've been excited to see Desirae again, since the two of them had always had a type of bond that she and I didn't have, though it wasn't to say I was left out. We all loved each other, but their relationship was simply different.

"Yeah, let's go." I chirped, grabbing her hand in mine before I dragged her behind me out of my bedroom. We left my house and then I began to drive when Pri gave me the address that the party was held at, which I entered into the GPS since I had no idea where this was at. The drive was only about twenty minutes, which I was thankful for because I never did like driving long distances just to go to a party.

When we arrived at the house, I wasn't surprised to see that the party was clearly already in full swing, with a few people hanging out on the front porch and the pounding bass of the music able to be heard from outside as it played inside the house. I'd been to my fair share of parties, being that I knew a lot of people and was on the cheer squad, but it had honestly been quite a while since the last one I'd gone to. My last one I went to was in tenth grade, and I was now a senior. It had been so long that I almost felt a little weird being here, but I convinced myself to get over it and just get into the party mood. Surely I'd settle in after a little while, after all, since that was how it had been the very first time I'd gone to a party.

Priscilla and I got out of my car before heading inside of the crowded house, which was packed full of sweaty, grinding teenagers that were talking, dancing and kissing up on one another. There were those few oddballs, though, that were sort of just lurking on the outskirts of the room, hiding by themselves in the corners.

It wasn't very hard at all to find Des, since she was just hanging out in the kitchen, getting herself another drink when we walked in. "Des!" Priscilla cheered excitedly, throwing her arms up happily as she ran towards her, having to push past a couple of people.

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