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~Luke's POV~

I wanted to kiss her.

Yes, fuck did I want to kiss her. Her body was warm and soft against mine and those sparkly green eyes of hers were practically pleading for me to. But her lips? Her plump lips were shiny from the gloss on them and a petal pink, luring me in.

But I was stumped. Maeve was slowly wiggling her way into my heart, a place that I'd never really let another person into before. I was a loner and it wasn't really in my nature to have relationships with other people, let alone girls. Sure, I had slept with one or two girls a few times but it was never because I liked them as more than friends. After a while of that, I stopped having meaningless flings because it just wasn't my thing. It felt weird and I didn't like it. I hadn't even kissed a girl since I was sixteen, let alone had sex, and I was now eighteen. And to be honest, I hadn't wanted to, either.

So I knew what it meant when I wanted to kiss Maeve. I knew then that it meant that I saw her as much more than a friend, my only friend. It wasn't a surprise that I'd gained feelings for her. She was sweet and beautiful and there was just something about being around her that made me feel at home. Her presence was comforting.

And that's why I kissed her right there.

Her lips were soft and she tasted like something sweet, my chest pressing firmer into her back. Realizing I still had her chest first against the wall, I spun her around and pressed her against the wall, loving the little gasp she did against my lips. I could feel the fullness of her tits rubbing against my chest and I released her wrists, beginning to breathe much heavier as I felt the fire creeping through my veins. She slid her hands up and around my neck, slowly pushing her long fingers through my hair in a way that made my arms line with goosebumps.

This kiss felt different from all the other ones I'd had before, much different—better. It was sudden when I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway, approaching us.

Without hesitating or even taking a moment to think it through, I scooped her up into my arms, making her squeal in surprise as our lips broke apart and she clung to me with her arms around my neck. She looked up at me with wide eyes as I turned around and quickly crossed the hallway, entering the first door I saw. Thankfully the class was empty, so I pulled the door shut and locked it from inside after I set her down.

And then I pounced right back on her, her body stumbling back in surprise from how I crashed right against her. She ended up hitting the edge of a desk, which I hoisted her up on top of, taking a little time to feel up her soft thighs. Her body was so soft and fleshy, I didn't want to ever let go. "C'mere." I breathed to her, feeling her chest brush mine a little when I leaned down to her. She kissed me gently and I pressed her as physically close as I could get her to me, wanting to feel more of her against me. I felt her breasts rubbing gently against me again and couldn't help but to recall how they'd felt when I accidentally grabbed them earlier.

They'd been warm and weighty, soft yet somehow firm as well. I wanted to touch her again.

Slowly, I gently placed my hand over one of her breasts, pausing our kiss for a second. "Is it okay if I touch them?" I murmured, and she nodded as she arched into my touch. "Please, do." She whispered, having no idea what it really had done to me when she said that. I could feel the blood beginning to all rush down south and straight into my cock, but I was trying so desperately to not get a boner right then.

However, I was really only making it worse on myself by kissing her harder, one hand feeling up her warm thigh while the other groped her chest. I slipped my hand underneath the top of her dress, biting gently at her bottom lip before I tugged it with my teeth. She must've liked that because she arched into me, winding her pale legs around my hips and pulling me into her as much as possible. It wasn't until she opened her mouth for me and I slid my tongue past her lips that I heard it—her soft moan, right as my tongue swirled against hers. If I'd thought her voice was pretty, then her moans were fucking otherworldly. What would she sound like when crying out my name?

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