0.0- pregnant?

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i knew something funky was going on the second i woke up this morning. i went to the bathroom, and proceeded to go about my things. maybe my period was late. i hummed journey to myself. maybe it won't come.

"alise!" i called. "come quick."

"what's wrong jane?" alise rushed in, hickeys covering her neck from her antics from the night before.

"my period." i stuttered. "i missed it again."

"we should take you to the doctor." alise stated matter-of-factly.


the waiting room was silent. it was only me and alise there, and the doctor had already run some tests. dr. farrow was a big burly man, appearing much to intimidating to be a doctor, but had been married to alise's father for three years now. this was the only doctor we knew.

"congratulations jane." dr. farrow smiled. "you're going to be a mother!"

"excuse me?" i said loudly. "is this a joke?"

"dad!" alise shouts. "she has no game! jane hasn't even had sex. are you sure something didn't go wrong?"

"you haven't have sex yet?" dr. farrow asked surprisingly. "many college students have exchanged intercourse by this stage. was there a hook up at a party or anything?"

"i don't go to parties sir." i reply.

"she just studies." alise says.

"are you sure?" dr. farrow questions.

the room's silence sits awkwardly. "wait!" alise says. "you went to a party a few weeks ago."

"you dragged me to that." i groan.

"well since you're a lightweight, you get drunk really easily." alise continued. "so after about two beers, you were hammered. i think i saw you go upstairs with some guy. tall and blonde."

"i did?" i questioned. "i don't remember much of that party."

"that's because you were hammered jane." alise sighed. "you lost your virginity. while drunk."

dr. farrow laughed. "well it looks like our little jane the virgin isn't so virgin anymore."

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