1.1- meet the parents

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luke's p.o.v.:
"is she going to be okay?" i ask the paramedic. "is she alright?"

"sir," the paramedic, a woman who looks like working so hard has aged her a bit replies, "we're going to need you to ride with us to the hospital."

i sit in the back of the ambulance, and watch hopelessly as jane's body is hooked up to a machine to help her breath.

i decide to call the only person i can think of. "alise?"

"what do you want now luke?" she barks through the phone.

"it's jane." i sigh, picking at my nails. "there was an accident."

"what?" she screams through the phone. "i'll be at the hospital as soon as i can." she hangs up.

"is she going to be alright ma'am?" i ask the paramedic again, as jane's breathing steadies.

"we'll find out soon."


i sit nervously in the waiting room. alise rushes in, tears flowing down her face, followed by a stoic calum.

"i'm sorry man." calum walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

suddenly, a large man walks in, he has a slender face, similar to jane's, and has the same tedious look in his eyes that jane always did, he clutches the hand of an overly makeup woman, who is wearing an excessive amount of hot pink, and flip flops. a woman walks in behind them, tears silently running down her face, and she looks like an age progressed version of her. those must be her parents.

"i called her parents." alise sighes. "i just thought that they should know."

"where's the bästard who got my daughter pregnant?" the man growls.

"it was me." i fumble. "hi," i stick out my hand like jane had instructed. "i'm luke."

"that was a damn stupid mistake of you boy." her father gruffed out. "she's my little girl."

"oh lenard be nice." the older version of jane hushed. "he's a nice boy. i'm sure he hopes for the best for janie."

"clare, you can't tell lenny what to do." the overly makeuped woman gasps.

"clare, lenard, paula." alise hushes. "we're here for jane. we shouldn't fight and should just focus on her right now."

before anyone can say anything, a nurse runs into the waiting room. "she's alright!" she calls. i hug alise tightly, and calum glares at me. "the baby didn't make it, but jane is going to have a surgery done, and we'll let you know when it's finished."

"sorry mate." i raised my arms to calum. "i didn't know that you and alise were a thing."

"i should say sorry myself." calum sighes. "i didn't know that you and jane were a thing."

"i'm not really sure what we are." i frown. "we had kissed a couple of times, but besides that, we were just having a kid together. now that that kid isn't alive anymore, i don't know what will happen with us."

"well if you want to keep her in your life," calum rests his hand on my shoulder. "i suggest you go in and try."

i smile at calum and then notice the nurse who is about to leave.

"wait!" i call. "did she agree to the surgery?"

"she did." the nurse frowns. "the fetus had already passed."

"can i go in and see her?" i ask nervously.

"like i said before." the nurse smiles. "in a little while."

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