0.5- a grown man giggling

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"hemmings?" the nurse called. i guess they put the appointment under the baby's dad's name. luke sat uncomfortably next to me in the little chair, that seemed almost disproportionate to his lanky size. we got up at the same time, and followed the young nurse down the hall, into a room with the number 012 on it.

she let us in and winked at luke and left. "what was that?" i asked, curious as to why a nurse winked at him.

"a desperate nurse." he scoffed. back to the whole cock attitude thing i guess.

"did you like...you know." i glanced away.

"ew." he shivers. "no. of course not. i only do younger girls, and she's a good five years older than me, atleast."

"oh." i sighed. "how do you know i'm not older than you?"

"because i was held back a year." luke laughed. "i'm older than everyone."

"so when's your birthday?" i raised my eyebrows.

"july 16, 1991." he annouced proudly.

"i thought i had you beat." i frowned. "i'm march 18 1992."

"that means your birthday's coming up soon." he giggled. luke hemmings giggled. a grown 22 year old man giggled.

"yeah." i giggled at the sight of him giggling.

"luke? jane?" the doctor walked into the room. "i'm doctor richards, doctor farrow sent you guys here right?"

luke and i both nodded our heads. doctor richards was a tall woman, who looked around 40 or so, with brown hair pushed back into a bun and glasses perched on her nose. her eyes were green, and showed a warmth about them. "so how long have you two been together?"

"no really-" the bāstard cut me off.

"for a three years now." luke was acting cheeky, but the doctor seemed to believe him. "we were waiting for kids for when we were a bit older, but you take life's miracles when they get handed to you, right?"

"yes you do." the doctor smiled. "i'm going to put some gel on your stomach and then put this little wand over it, the imaging will come up on the screen. you can get situated on that chair. your boyfriend could help you."

before i could say anything, luke picked me up, causing me to gasp, and put me down on the chair. "hey!"

"sorry girlfriend." he winked. i groaned.

"here jane, can you lift up your shirt a bit?" i lifted up my t-shirt to where my stomach was fully exposed, and you could see a slight bump beginning to form. doctor richards rubbed the gel on, and it felt weirdly cold.

luke watched intently at what the doctor was doing. she first took the wand, and began to draw it over my exposed stomach, and soon a black and white image appeared on the screen behind her. "i've got a heartbeat." she replied, and clicked the remote she had near her. "here we are." i pulled my shirt down, but instead of watching the doctor, luke was watching me.

"alright lovebirds." doctor richards chirped. "here's your baby."

i studied the image closely, it had a head, and arms, and legs. it was my child. my baby. a tear rolled down my face. "hey jane." luke patted my back, "that's ours. we made that kid." i laughed at his attempt to try to get me to stop crying, but it only caused me to cry more.

"it's all normal." doctor richards smiled at our moment. "a steady heartbeat, a head, two arms, two legs. you're about two months along."

luke and i stared at each, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes, and a huge grin adorning his face. "well...?" the doctor seemed puzzled. "why don't you kiss? that's what most couples would do now."

"well um-" luke cut me off again, but this time with his lips, and our lips began to move in sync, his hands cupping my small face, and my hands wrapped around his neck. i did say i was a virgin before, but i never said anything about never kissing anyone. i was actually quite experienced in that department. and apparently so was luke.

"alright you two." doctor richards chuckled. "i have another appointment, but i wish the best of luck to you."

she smiled and closed the door. i felt my cheeks blushing, and luke appeared to glow. "i thought you said you were a virgin?"

"i never said anything about making out did i." i chuckled, and luke pressed his lips back to mine.

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