1.4- it's a long story

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i'm discharged from the hospital a few days later. luke has been talking to my parents, and surprisingly beginning to get along with my dad, he got along with my mom from the start. also, alise has been here with calum, which confused me at first, but i soon realized that calum was head overs heals for her, only she had her heart set on someone else. ashton came by and visited to, he was luke and calum's friend, but i had talked to him a few times before, and i was impressed by his thoughtfulness to come and visit.

luke and i spent a lot of time had still been seeing a constant amount of each other.

"hey jane." luke asked breathlessly, we had been making out shortly before. "what happened with your parents? you never really seem to enjoy being around them."

"it's a really long story." i shrug.

"if it makes you feel any more comfortable," luke sighes. "i never felt really comfortable at home either growing up."

"what happened in the hemmings household?" i question, giggling at my own choice of words.

"i always lived in my brothers shadows." luke sighes. "i don't really talk about my family you know? my brothers, jack, he's married to celeste, and they have a kid on the way, and ben, who has this long time girlfriend emma, and then there's me, luke the mess up. i never did well in school, and i was never really athletic, and i was only with girls for one night stands, while my brothers did very well in school, were captains of their sports teams, and had long term girlfriends. i love my mom, her name's liz, but i've never really gotten along well with my dad, he always expected me to be like my brothers."

"i understand luke." i pat his back, and pull him into a hug.

"what's your story j?" he questions, his thumb tracing my jawline.

"i was raised in a very strange household." i sigh. "i have an older brother isaac, and a younger sister naomi. my dad was an alcoholic. when i was about 12, i walked in on my dad and another woman. they had fought a lot before, but this made it a lot worse. my parents divorced, and the custody was given to my mom most of the time, but due to my dad's cheating, my mom became depressed and spent a lot of time away from us. isaac practically raised naomi and i, but decided to go work in the army a few years back. i haven't seen him since he was deported."

"did he, die?" luke asks cautiously.

"i don't know." i respond weakly, tears pricking in the corners of my eyes. "they never found his body, so right now, he's missing."

"i'm sorry jane." luke pulls me closer, and kisses the top of my head. we sit in silence for a bit. the pattern of his breathing is oddly comforting. he, himself is comforting.

"so, is your dad cheating the reason that you waited to have sex?" luke asks.

"i guess so." i sighed. "i just wanted to wait until i had met the right person. can we not talk about this now? it's kind of, uh, you know, awkward."

"yeah sure j." luke pat my back. "whatever you want."

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