0.4- have fun on your date

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"so this is it?" i ask luke as we approach the campus coffee shop.

"yup." he bites his lip and sticks his hands in his pockets.

"so i guess i'll open the door." i shrug, opening the door and luke walking in. usually the guy holds the door for you on a date.

"so do you want to order first?" he says at the counter.

"sure." i smile at him. "i'll have a chocolate chip cookie please."

"no coffee?" he asks, appearing alarmed.

"no." i say patting my stomach.

"oh." he shrugs. "i'll have a hazelnut coffee, two sugars and some half and half."

"i guess i'll pay." i sigh. i quickly pay for my cookie at the register and sit down at a table, luke following behind.

"i'm not really good at these date things." he chuckles.

"i can tell." i deadpan.

"hey man!" a boy walks up to luke and pats him on the shoulder.

"hey calum." luke sighes. this is going to be interesting.

"wow." calum, who i recognize from my english class, chuckles to himself. "the infamous luke hemmings on a date."

"shut up." luke glares.

"hey, since you seem really nice." calum pats me on the shoulder. "there's other guys better than him. he's just going to do you and leave."

"shut up prick." luke raises his voice a bit, causing calum to shrink back a bit.

"sorry mate." calum stutters. "have fun on your date."

calum walks off, chuckling to himself.

"i used to be like that." luke sighes. "but now that i have a kid, i guess i really can't be." he brushes his hands through his hair.

"i understand." i place my hand on his, him intertwining our fingers.

"i'm sorry about this whole thing jane." luke sighes. "i mean karma, this was bound to happen sometime. i just thought with some slutty, who there was a chance i wasn't the dad. no offense."

"that's okay." i sigh. "i guess that's what happens when you have sex. i mean that's the point of sex."

"hey jane?" luke questions. "do you remember anything about that night?"

"no, not really." i rest my chin on my hand. "the whole night's really a blur."

"oh." he nervously laughs.

"do you?" i ask.

"yeah." he looks away. "i do."

"well then, what happened?"

"we didn't just have sex." luke unlocks our hands. "we talked for a while before anything happened. it was nice."

"and then what?" i whisper, curiosity taking over me.

"we just talked for a while. and then you kissed me." luke ran his hands through his deflating quiff. "it got heated, so we moved it upstairs. it kind of just happened. i assumed you were on the pill."

"why didn't you say anything afterwards?" i ask inquisitively.

"alise found us, you were smashed. she made me bring you back to your dorm. i didn't think that you'd remember, so i didn't try to talk to you." he lets out a sigh of relief at the end.

"alise already told me the whole thing with you guys." i explain. "why didn't you try to talk to me?"

"i didn't think you'd remember honestly."

luke and i throw out our trash, and make our way out of the shop, and he stretches out his hand. "let's take a walk."

our hands intertwine for yet a second time that day, and the world seems kind of peaceful for once. luke and i just strolling through campus with the comfort of each other's presence. a few people stare at us, luke is known as quite the casanova i quickly learn from the looks from a few girls who we pass. but aside from those glares, i feel calm. but there is always calm before a storm.

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