1.0- date night

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luke and i spent the day walking around the downtown of the town the college was located in. it was nice, just the two of us, well technically three of us, spending time together. but after a solid hour of demanding, luke finally let me escape back to my dorm to change into something for tonight. lucky for me, alise was no where in sight.

"where's my j?" luke asked, slouching on the door frame.

"one second luke!" i call from the mirror, as he steps in.

"jane...wow." luke stands behind me, a shocked expression on his face. "you look, incredible."

"the baby bump is visible, isn't it?" i ask, scoffing at his compliment.

"it's still hot for a baby bump." luke sighes, running his hands through his quiff.

"there's the cõcky luke hemmings i know and love." i roll my eyes.

"love?' he questions.

"well there's room for exaggeration. " i chuckle, a nervous tension between the two of us.

"let's go, shall we?" luke asks in a pretend british accent.

"we shall." i giggle in my very bad british accent.


"you see," luke slips a cd into his stereo. "the 1975 is great and all, but i think that you'd really love all time low."

"well what song is this?" i ask.

"it's called lost in stereo." luke chuckles. he looks at ease at the wheel, one hand on it, and the other resting on my legs, gently rubbing it every so often.

"i like it." i smile at him, and he smiles back. "so where are we going for dinner?"

"you'll see j." luke smiles at me again. the light flickers from green to red, and just as we are about to go, everything turns black.

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