know your worth

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I can't . I won't

Damon I won't ask again tell me what happened Klaus didn't want to compel  Damon into telling him he wanted Damon to trust him with this

You think I don't take safety precautions while traveling with you knowing you could compel me

Damon you have to tell me maybe I can help you get past whatever happened

Help me !?? No one can help infact I deserved everything that happened to me because I'm such a vile ugly   and despicable creature . What they did to me is nothing compared to what I did to others . Me being tortured and raped every single day being treated like less than an animal doesn't even compare to the suffering I've caused others

tortured and raped no one deserves that no matter what they have done Klaus couldn't believe the nonsense that was spewing  out of Damon's mouth

Damon no one deserves to go through what you did . I may not know the full extent on it but I know you did not deserve it . Hell I've done things unimaginable and I don't deserves to be treated like they treated you so don't ever say that you deserves it
This is not on you it's on them never you Damon

Is that suppose to make me feel better ?I'm sure you enjoying this aren't you Klaus?seeing me broken and weak excites you . Laugh go ahead do it the proud Damon Salvatore had been reduced to nothing but a sobbing fool worthless pathetic I know .
So Klaus you can take your fanciness, your words cause I know how you feel it's how I feel everything I look at myself in the mirror disgusted at myself  Damon was shouting at the top of his lungs waiting angry at himself for being so weak and pathetic I mean he is crying for goodness sake he turned and looked away from Klaus in embarrassment

Damon look at me Klaus said as he walked closer to Damon
Look at me love

Damon reluctantly turned to face klaus

Klaus took Damon's hands into his own and kissed both his palms he stepped close and kissed the tears that ran down Damon's cheeks away and finally he kissed his eyes

Beautiful eyes like yours aren't meant to shed tears for people who don't deserve them never cry for someone Damon that means they have power over you and you can never allow anyone to have power over you

I'm weak I couldn't even protects mys...

Shh shh shh now Damon no more of that just know that nothing you did or could ever do would make you deserve such a thing but know this we will find those who did this to you and we will destroy them burn them everything they hold dear because no one should get away with putting years in your eyes and most of all no one should get away with touching you without your permission

I can't face them again Klaus I won't surv"I can't... I won't," Damon said, his voice trembling as he turned away from Klaus.

Klaus, standing only a few feet away, could feel the weight of Damon's words. He took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Damon, I won't ask again. Tell me what happened."

Klaus didn't want to compel Damon into telling him the truth—he wanted Damon to trust him with it. Trust was a fragile thing, and Klaus was well aware that forcing Damon would only shatter whatever fragile bond they had developed.

Damon let out a bitter laugh. "You think I don't take safety precautions while traveling with you? Knowing you could compel me at any moment?"

Klaus clenched his jaw, trying to keep his voice steady. "Damon, you have to tell me. Maybe I can help you get past whatever happened."

"Help me?" Damon's laugh was cold and hollow, filled with self-loathing. "No one can help me. In fact, I deserved everything that happened to me. Because I'm vile, ugly, despicable." He was pacing now, his movements erratic, his voice shaking with suppressed rage. "What they did to me... it's nothing compared to the suffering I've caused others. Me being tortured and raped every single day, being treated like less than an animal—that doesn't even compare to what I've done."

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