devils peak

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"Well, now that we've got our feelings out of the way," Klaus said, holding out a glass, "here's a drink, mate. Let's drink to our sorrows." He sank to the floor next to Damon, handing him the glass.

Damon smirked, taking the glass from Klaus. "Cheers, mate."

They clinked glasses and drank in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation they'd just had lingering in the air.

Damon's gaze drifted up to the ceiling, his mind wandering. "I want to go to South Africa," he said suddenly, his voice distant.

Klaus raised an eyebrow, surprised. "South Africa? Why there?"

"I've never been," Damon replied, his eyes still glued to the ceiling. "But I've always wanted to go somewhere beautiful, somewhere untouched by all this..." He gestured vaguely, as if referring to the chaos that constantly surrounded them—vampires, war, heartbreak.

Klaus chuckled softly, swirling the liquid in his glass. "Wow. When I said 'anywhere,' I didn't think you wanted to go to an entirely different planet. But I'll give you that, South Africa's a good destination." He took a sip, memories of his past adventures there flickering in his mind. "I've been there with my sister. We had some... fun times. I even forced her to free fall from the two towers in Soweto."

Damon laughed lightly, shaking his head. "Only you would call that fun." He paused, glancing over at Klaus. "And you did say anywhere but Mystic Falls, so South Africa it is. No one's going to find us there. Hell, no one will even think of looking for us there."

"Okay, okay," Klaus replied with a grin. "If that's where the princess wants to go, who am I to say no? And free falling is fun, Damon. You're not completely unprotected, just strapped to a bit of harness and the only real danger is pissing yourself mid-fall."

"If I'm the princess, what does that make you?" Damon quipped, smirking. "My lady-in-waiting?"

Klaus let out a hearty laugh, shaking his head. "Oh no, I'm the king, obviously. And as a king, I'll give you everything. I'll show you the whole world, Damon. And I'll make you better, stronger, until you can overcome anything thrown your way—including whatever it is that's haunting you."

"Klaus..." Damon's voice softened, uncertainty creeping in.

But Klaus held up a hand, silencing him gently. "No, shh, let me finish." His voice was softer now, less commanding. "You don't need to tell me what happened. And I won't ask. You'll tell me when you're ready, and I'll never force it out of you. I'll never make you do anything you don't want to."

Damon rolled his eyes, though a faint smile tugged at his lips. "That's a lie. You'd probably force me to free fall from the two towers in Soweto just to get answers."

"Oh no, I've got better plans for you, love. I'll take you to Devil's Peak instead," Klaus teased.

Damon snorted, laughing. "No thanks. I'd never go anywhere with you that has the word 'devil' in it." His laughter grew, his head falling back as if all the weight on his shoulders had been lifted, at least for the moment.

"It's not what you think, Damon," Klaus said, his tone becoming almost wistful. "Devil's Peak... it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Untouched by time. It can withstand anything, no matter what's thrown at it. It's just there, standing tall, untouched by mankind. Pure."

Damon raised an eyebrow. "It's still just a mountain," he said, rolling his eyes playfully.

Klaus shook his head, his eyes far away as if lost in the memory. "It's different. It's a part of a flat-topped mountain range, but it stands out on its own. It's magical, Damon. I've always dreamed of standing at the very top, looking out at the whole world from the sky."

Damon grinned, leaning back on his hands. "Oy, Klaus Mikaelson wants to stand on top of a mountain and look down at the world like the king he thinks he is."

Klaus chuckled. "Well, I am a king, after all."

Damon's smirk softened into something more genuine as he glanced at Klaus. "Yeah, you are. A royal pain in the ass."

Klaus shook his head, smiling despite himself. "And yet, here you are, still with me."

"Guess I can't quit you," Damon said, raising his glass with a smirk, the tension between them easing into something lighter, more comfortable.

Klaus clinked his glass against Damon's. "To South Africa, then."

"To South Africa," Damon echoed, the two of them sharing a rare moment of peace amid their shared chaos.

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