a few months later in SA

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Damon, we've literally been everywhere," Klaus grumbled, leaning back in his seat. "From Johannesburg to Cape Town, we've covered all of South Africa. Where are we going now?"

They had been in South Africa for six months, traveling from one province to another, taking in all the beauty, culture, and heritage the country had to offer. They'd done it all—tasted the local food, explored the wildlife, and yes, Klaus had even convinced Damon to free fall from the towers in Soweto. Damon had nearly pissed himself, thinking he was plummeting to his temporary death, only to be caught by the safety net.

Despite everything, Klaus couldn't deny how much he'd enjoyed this trip. More than he would ever admit. There was something about seeing Damon genuinely smile and laugh—something lighter, freer than Klaus had ever seen in him. And now, much to his own dismay, Klaus found that he didn't want it to end. He had started feeling something—a dangerous attachment to the Salvatore. Klaus would never admit it aloud, but Damon's sharp blue eyes were a weakness. Whenever Damon looked at him in that particular way, Klaus found himself incapable of saying no.

Damon knew it too. He knew that whatever was developing between them wasn't good. It wasn't good for him, and it certainly wasn't good for Klaus. But here they were, traveling the world like they were old friends. It felt wrong, but at the same time, Damon couldn't bring himself to stop. Despite Klaus being the Original Hybrid, a man capable of snapping his neck with a flick of his wrist, Damon didn't run. He should have run. But instead, he was playing best mates with the very creature he should fear most.

"Damon," Klaus interrupted his thoughts, his impatience clear. "Where are you taking me? Are you trying to kill me?"

Damon rolled his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, darling. You can't be killed. Just close your eyes and don't open them until I say so."

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "I could make you tell me."

Damon smirked, his confidence unwavering. "But we both know you won't. Now shut up and get on the plane."

Klaus let out an exasperated sigh but followed Damon's lead. "I would kill anyone else for speaking to me like that, but you have a death wish, and I'm not inclined to grant it just yet. Why the bloody hell am I getting on a plane?"

"If you wait a few more minutes, you'll find out," Damon replied, not giving away anything.

As they boarded the private jet, Damon could feel the nervous tension building inside him. Klaus could very well lose his mind over this, and yet, Damon was determined to see it through. He didn't fully understand why he was doing this. It wasn't like he cared about Klaus. Right? But there was a part of him that wanted to see Klaus happy. To thank him, maybe. It was stupid, irrational, and dangerous—but Damon had never been known for playing it safe.

They were minutes away from landing, and Damon's stomach churned with anxiety. He couldn't turn back now. He had to follow through.

"Alright, Klaus, are your eyes closed?" Damon asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

"Yes, Damon. My eyes have been closed for the past five minutes," Klaus said, his tone bordering on irritation.

Damon inhaled deeply, steadying his nerves. "Hold my hand. We're getting off the plane."

"I'm not a child, Damon," Klaus retorted. "I can walk by myself."

"Just trust me on this one. Hold my hand," Damon insisted, his voice unusually soft, almost vulnerable.

Klaus hesitated for a moment, then, reluctantly, reached for Damon's hand. Damon's fingers tightened around his as they stepped out of the plane together. The sound of the aircraft's engines roared in the background as it took off, leaving the two of them standing alone.

"Alright," Damon said, his voice now more excited than nervous. "Open your eyes."

Klaus blinked, his vision adjusting to the brightness of the open landscape before him. His eyes widened slightly, taking in the breathtaking view. They were standing at the edge of a cliff, with the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out in front of them, glittering in the sunlight. The cliffs around them formed jagged edges that jutted out into the sea, the waves crashing against the rocks below with a thunderous rhythm. Behind them, the silhouette of a majestic mountain loomed—Devil's Peak.

"Bloody hell," Klaus muttered, genuinely stunned. The sight before him was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Damon chuckled, stepping closer to the edge of the cliff, watching Klaus's reaction. "I thought you'd like it. Welcome to Devil's Peak."

Klaus took a moment to absorb the scenery, his usual smug expression softened by the sheer beauty of it. "I have to admit, Damon, I wasn't expecting this."

Damon grinned, a genuine, unguarded smile spreading across his face. "You're not the only one full of surprises."

For a moment, they stood there in silence, the tension between them dissolving as they shared the view. Klaus found himself oddly moved by the gesture—Damon had done this for him, gone through all this trouble to bring him here. He didn't understand why, but in this moment, he didn't need to.

Klaus turned to Damon, his voice quieter than usual. "Why did you do this?"

Damon shrugged, still watching the ocean. "I don't know... maybe I just wanted to give you something that wasn't chaos for once. Maybe I wanted to say thanks."

Klaus studied him, surprised by the sincerity in Damon's words. "Thanks?"

Damon nodded, his expression a bit more serious now. "For not killing me when you probably should have. For... this whole thing. It's been good."

Klaus's lips curled into a faint smile. "Well, I'll say this, Damon—you've certainly surprised me."

Damon turned to him, smirking once again. "I tend to have that effect on people."

As they stood there, overlooking the vast ocean, something shifted between them. The banter was still there, but so was something else—something unspoken, something deeper. They both knew that whatever this was, it wouldn't last forever. But for now, they had this moment.

And maybe that was enough.

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