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"Damon.""What?" Damon groaned, pulling the jacket over his head, trying to block out the sound of Klaus's voice.

"Wake up, we're here.""Mmm... where's 'here'?" Damon mumbled, still half-asleep, rubbing his eyes as he sat up.Klaus smirked. "We're at a motel. We'll crash here for the night."

Damon's eyes snapped open, his expression immediately sour. "A freaking motel? Why don't we just sleep on the streets then? Wouldn't make much of a difference."

"Oh, don't be such a baby," Klaus drawled, rolling his eyes. "There aren't any five-star hotels in this area, so we're stuck here. Deal with it."

Damon huffed, crossing his arms. "As long as it has a bed with a pillow, I guess. I haven't slept properly in months... I think."Klaus shot him a sidelong glance, amusement flickering in his eyes. "You'll need your strength, mate, so I suggest you get some actual sleep for once. You'll need to look at least somewhat presentable tomorrow."

Damon let out a bitter laugh. "How are we going to do that? It's not like I'm naked or anything.""Drop the sarcasm, Damon. There are some clothes in the back. Get dressed.""Hell no. I'm not wearing your clothes," Damon snapped, crossing his arms like a stubborn child.Klaus sighed dramatically. "I doubt they'll give us a room if you're walking around naked, and we don't want to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves, do we?"

Damon smirked, clearly not convinced. "Please. My body's hot enough to draw attention, Klaus."Klaus chuckled, but his amusement quickly faded. "You know that's not what I meant. Get dressed and let's get going.""Fine," Damon muttered, rolling his eyes as he reached for the clothes in the back.

Inside the motel lobby, Klaus approached the counter, his smile easy and confident. "Can we get two rooms for the night, please?"The clerk glanced up, offering a polite but apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, sir, but we only have one room available tonight."Damon groaned. "Does it at least have two beds?""No, sir. Only one."

Before Damon could protest further, Klaus said, "We'll take it.""We will?" Damon turned to Klaus, incredulous.

Klaus raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the moment. "Yes. Do you have a problem, mate?"

Damon's frustration grew, his hands clenching into fists. "Yeah, I do. Where am I supposed to sleep?"

Klaus shrugged, completely unbothered. "On the bed. Or, if you prefer, the floor is always an option."Damon scoffed, glaring at him. "And if I take the bed, where are you going to sleep?"

Klaus's grin widened as he replied nonchalantly, "On the bed, as well."Damon raised an eyebrow, his expression darkening. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, suck it up, Damon," Klaus said with a dismissive wave. "We're both grown men. Don't tell me you're suddenly getting self-conscious.""Of course not," Damon muttered, narrowing his eyes. "But I definitely don't trust you enough to sleep next to you."

Klaus rolled his eyes, his patience thinning. "Oh, for goodness' sake, Damon. It's not like we're going to have sex. We're just sleeping."Damon shot him a withering look, but said nothing as Klaus handed over the cash for the room key.

They walked to the room in tense silence, the air thick with Damon's discomfort. Klaus could practically feel the unease rolling off Damon in waves as they approached the door.

Am I that disgusting? Klaus thought, his irritation simmering just beneath the surface. "It's not like I have some disease that I'm going to pass onto you just by sleeping in the same bed, Damon. I'm not some parasite."Damon's jaw tightened, and he looked away, muttering under his breath. "I know that. Just... let's sleep. Whatever."

Once inside the room, Damon's eyes immediately went to the bed—a single, narrow mattress sitting awkwardly in the middle of the cramped space. His tension only grew, every muscle in his body tight with unease."Great," Damon muttered under his breath, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "One bed. Perfect."

He lay down stiffly, turning onto his side, but no matter how much he shifted, he couldn't get comfortable. His mind raced, filled with thoughts he didn't want to deal with, and the presence of Klaus just a few feet away wasn't helping. The bed creaked as Klaus moved, and the silence between them grew heavier.

"You know what?" Klaus finally said, breaking the silence. "I'll sleep on the floor."Damon blinked, surprised. "What?"Klaus sat up, grabbing a pillow. "You're clearly not going to relax with me here. I'll take the floor."

Damon hesitated, the tension in his body slowly easing as Klaus settled onto the floor beside the bed. "Thanks," Damon muttered, barely loud enough to be heard.Klaus, with his hybrid hearing, caught the whispered gratitude, and for a brief moment, he wondered—what had really happened to Damon Salvatore?

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