*gong* aaapoooollliiigggiiieeeesss

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Hello! I am so sorry for how long it has been since I have updated. I have been really busy this past week or two (and also lazy) but DON'T WORRY! I am going to update with TWO new chapters sometime between today and Sunday. And since I have kept y'all waiting for so long.....the next two chapters will be determined by.....YOU. Kinda like a choose your own adventure thing. (I should start one of those that would be fun) Anyway vote on the lines below for what you want to happen.

POV: Whose POV should it be? Keefe, Sophie or...another character? You can suggest a character as well. You get two votes cause there are two chapters.

Ship: These next two chapters you will get a lot of one ship. You can vote for which one on this line.

Awake: Should Keefe be awake....or be back in his coma because of the previous chapter?

Iggy: What color and pattern should Iggy be?

Comparison: Should I make a chapter comparing HOO and KOTLC characters? (It won't count as one of the two.)

Reckless: Should Sophie do something reckless? Or play it safe?

Characters: What characters would you like to see more of?

Awakening (a kotlc story)Where stories live. Discover now