Update: more apologies

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I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorrrrrryyyyy for being lazy and not updating. I swear I will update, and as an apology I will have a kotlc usernames thingy here! It will not be the usernames they would decide (well some of them would) but what I think would fit. I will also update by Tuesday! And you can suggest/vote for what you would like in the next chapter! Anyway, once again, sorry, and here is the kotlc usernames.

Sophie: whyyyyme? (i was gonna do the moonlark but i saw a thing like this where that was her username so...yeah. also i think sophie would like something that does not have to do with her being the moonlark.)

Keefe: lordhunkyhair4ever (both keefe and i agree on this)

Dex: themechanicalmArshMallOw (he probably would not have this username but it fits. we all know dex is an innocent kind marshmallow)

Fitz: angrytealboi (fitz would hate this but i think it is perfect)

Biana: thespark1yqueenofAWESOME (I think Biana would agree with this one)

Tam: shadylordofdarknesssssss (I dont think tam would choose this one, linh probably chose it for him, but another possibility is bAsicallYnIcoDiangElO)

Linh: iLOVEanimals (I think linh would agree on this one)

Marella: ujustgotROASTED (no words needed)

Mr. Forkle: heistherenothereheiseverywhere (yup. pretty much sums him up.)

Grady: stayawayfromsophieoriwillusethebat (Grady agrees, although another option is hateTHATboy)

Ro: pigtails4ever (yeah, i couldnt think of anything else)

Sandor: squeakymuscleguy (Sandor would hate this. That's why i chose it)

Bronte: councillorGRUMPY (I have lost all creativity)

I know I left out some characters but i couldn't think of anymore so...here you go!

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