Part 10: Fitz is stupid again

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Hi! Sorry I didn't update on Sunday, I wanted to give everyone an extra day to vote on what happens next. The results are...*drumroll*

POV: A tie between Sophie and Keefe! I will therefore have one Sophie POV chapter and one Keefe POV chapter!

Ship: The vote was for a...Sokeefe overload! Yay!

Awake: There was a tie between Keefe waking at an awkward moment, and him being awake so I chose...awkward moment! (duh)

Iggy: Iggy will be turquoise with wave patterns!

HOO: It was a unanimous vote for a HOO comparison! I published it before this one if you were wondering where it was!

Reckless: The vote was for Sophie to be safe. But since there was some votes for reckless..she will plan something reckless.

Characters: There was a tie between more Dex and more Tam so I will have both appear in the next two chapters!

The songs I suggest for this chapter are, Remind me to forget, False Confidence, Confidence, Bad Blood, and Friends.

Sophie was furious. Of course, the only thing Keefe remembered was his Legacy. It was Lady Gisela who had done this to him. Stupid Lady Gisela and her stupid Legacy. Of course, she would make that the only thing he remembered. She sighed and looked over at Keefe. He was still asleep. Biana, Marella, Linh, Wylie, Dex, and even Tam had visited. Well, Sophie was pretty sure that Linh had forced Tam to come. But at least he didn't try to insult Keefe into waking up like last time. Sophie hoped that maybe Keefe and Tam could be friends since Keefe had forgotten how much they disliked each other.

Sophie had almost dozed off in a chair when Dex came in.

"Sophie! I brought Iggy!" At the mention of her pet imp, Sophie woke up.

"Did you change his colors again?" she asked.

Dex smiled. "Yeah. I figured you could use some cheering up he is." He handed her Iggy. Iggy was now turquoise with wave patterns. "I know that you like the ocean, you said it calms you down, sitting and watching the waves at Keefe's house, and I figured you needed as much calm as possible right now so..." Sophie sniffled. Dex was such a great friend, and she always left him out. She couldn't remember the last time she had visited him or called him on her Imparter.

"Thank you, Dex. It's perfect." She got up and hugged him. Sophie and Dex sat for a while, catching up. Suddenly, in walked Biana and Tam. Dex turned beet red.

"Hi, Biana...and Tam," he said. Even Tam was fidgeting his usual grumpiness, suddenly turned awkward.

"Hey...Dex." Biana said. There was an awkward silence.

"Sophie, Fitz wanted to talk to you in private. He's in the hallway." Biana suddenly said. Sophie smiled and got up. She was glad to escape that awkward situation. Although she was worried she was heading into an even more awkward one.

Fitz was pacing when Sophie entered the hallway.

"Hey, Sophie...I have something to tell you."


"Keefe liked you. Before the whole memory loss thing." Sophie blinked. That was unexpected. Not even close to what she thought he was going to say.

"The reason I got so mad when you were calling Keefe was because I was scared you liked him. But now I am more confident in myself. I understand that you were mad at me. I know we agreed to just be friends...but would you reconsider? I didn't want to hurt Keefe, but now he doesn't like you anymore, so we don't have to worry about that."

Sophie was speechless. Was Fitz serious? She sighed internally. She thought he was going to change. Be less selfish. Think about others more. About her more.

"I know Keefe liked me. I like him." This time it was Fitz's turn to be shocked.

"Is that why you broke up with me? So you and Keefe could be together? That's selfish, Sophie."

Sophie could feel herself getting angry.

"No. That's not why I broke up with you, you nincompoop! I broke up with you because you act like this! You only think of yourself, and get angry, and blame others. It is your own fault I broke up with you! Not Keefe's. Not mine. Yours."

"Lemme guess. As soon as Keefe found out we broke up, he jumped at the chance to tell you he likes you." Fitz sneered.

"No. He wanted to help me get back with you. He felt guilty for telling me he liked me. He was able to put his own feelings aside, so you and me could be happy. Because he thought we would make each other happy." Sophie sighed. "You would never do that. Sacrifice your happiness for the greater good? Nope. You and me are just not meant to be. I like Keefe. He makes me happy. You just stress me out. Goodbye Fitz. I hope you find someone someday who can smack some sense into you. Cause I don't want that job."

Fitz looked like he had been slapped.

"Am I really that bad?" Sophie nodded and left, hoping that maybe, Fitz could become better.

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