❥Kingdom Aurora and the magic flower

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Deep inside the forest of Orange woods, there was the greatest kingdom of all named Aurora and it was ruled by the generous King Drek and his queen Angelia. Drek and Angelia were blessed with twin daughters Meg and Chelsa. Meg was the elder twin, she had a gorgeous pair of ocean blue eyes and silky brown hair that she always tied up in a high pony. Meg loved archery and she spent most of her time training with the soldiers to improve her battle skills. Chelsa was the younger twin, she had green eyes that resembled the youth of spring and long yellow hair with curls, which she always kept open. Chelsa spent most of her time roaming around the markets of Kingdom Aurora searching for new things, she had a kind soul and she believed in everyone easily. Both Chelsa and Meg loved their Kingdom and were always ready to sacrifice their everything for it.

Twins were loved by the entire kingdom and on the arrival of their 18th birthday, they were sent on a quest. A quest to decide between the two who will become the Queen of Kingdom Aurora.

Let's talk a little about this Quest -
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According to the old rituals of the kingdom, Aurora--- child of a King and Queen must go on a quest a week before their 18th birthday to find a magic flower that turns into the crown with the last touch of dawn when kept on a sacred pillar of Aurora and it is worn by the new ruler of the Kingdom Aurora during the coronation.

Meg and Chelsa left for the quest together, because they were twins. They left after taking the blessings of their parents.

Meg and Chelsa went together inside the Forests of Orange Wood, which had huge orange trees about 50-60 meters tall with orange-colored leaves and magical creatures. Chelsa being an explorer ran after everything she found interesting. She ran after a magical creature without knowing its origin or place or where the creature was heading. The magical creature looked kinda like a raccoon with an orange tail. Meg followed after Chelsa to protect her from any danger, Meg knew about Chelsa's curious mind very well.

Twins followed the orange raccoon and reached a shady place distinct from Orange woods. Unlike the Orange woods, it wasn't bright, it was a cold and dark place filled with rumbles and broken walls. Chelsa with excitement ran to follow the orange raccoon and tripped, she slammed on a broken wall. Because the wall was very weak it shattered and a huge rock was about to fall on Chelsa but Meg protected her at the right time, she grabbed her right arm and pulled her close to herself.

Meg then scolded Chelsa for running off wherever she pleased. Meg warned her about the trouble that might come if they stay there for long, Meg didn't like the weird chill the place gave her. Chelsa wanted to listen to what Meg told her but her heart wanted to follow the orange-tailed raccoon, Chelsa thought the raccoon might have something to tell them.

Chelsa tried to convince Meg and said, "Meg! My heart is saying we should follow that raccoon. I don't sense anything bad from him."

Meg replied in a soft tone to make her understand, "Chelsa, Look around where your little friend has brought us to. This place is filled with rumbles, there is barely any light. Let's not follow the trouble."

Chelsa said holding Meg's hand, "Please trust me, Meg, I feel like this little raccoon wants to show us something. Please, Let's just follow him. I am going to follow him anyway."

Meg replied in anger, "Fine! Let's follow your stupid heart. But promise me one thing, if I smell any trouble you are coming with me without any whining of yours."

"I promise," Chelsa said and hugged Meg.

Meg and Chelsa followed the Raccoon and the Raccoon took them inside a mysterious cave. Meg made a torch for them to carry inside the cave. Inside the cave, Chelsa found a hairpin with the symbol of a magic flower embedded in it and at that moment they both realized where they are heading. Seeing the symbol of the magic flower they realised that their little raccoon friend is taking them to the forests of the fairies with beautiful orange wings. These fairies are the protector of the magic flower.

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