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a warm day

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a warm day. pink cherry blossoms fell to the ground in a graceful manner, the indication that spring had found it's way to japan. you could hear the giggles of small children, and adults cheering them on, accompanying their little ones. it was an early morning, and yet the entire world had already seemed to be awake.

"hey! [first name]! wait for me!" a cheery familiar voice called out behind you.

turning around, you spotted the boy you had grown to call your best friend. a warm smile made it's way onto your face as he finally caught up to you. resting his hands on his knees, he crouched over as he tried to catch his breath from all the running the small boy had done.

"hello shoyo, how are you?"

"wahh! i'm tired, you got here way before me.. and i even got up early!" he upturned his bottom lip in a pouting manner, before straightening up, "man, i didn't even study for the english test!"

rolling your eyes playfully, you sighed, "you should've asked me.. i would've helped you study."

it was almost like he had this puppy-like aura to him, because when he stared at you with those big brown eyes you couldn't help but feel bad, "i know but.. you know i don't like studying!" he whined.

"whatever," you stuck your tongue out at him, "if you fail don't come crying to me."

"[first nameeeee]! don't be so mean!"

"hey, i'm just being honest."

it continued like this the whole walk to school. both you and hinata knew that you weren't actually being mean, it was just how you two worked. he, the tiny child who whined for your attention, and you, the scolding mother who always seems disappointed in him. many people wondered how the two of you even became friends with your contrasting personalities.

the big school gates came into view and you could see hinata visibly deflate from the corner of your eye. patting his shoulder as a way of showing sympathy while the two of you walked through the halls, you gave him a nod as if a way to say "good luck!"

he looked back at you through his eyelashes, a grateful smile spreading on his face as he stood up straight. as you both went to turn opposite ways for your classes, you could see him give you a big wave before turning his back to you.

your smile faltered as you began to make your way to your class, 1-5, sad to say goodbye to your best friend. opening the door, you waved to your friends before sitting down in your seat in the back.

class seemed to drag on, because you could feel your mind start to wander from the topic that was being discussed at the front. no matter how many times you would refocus back onto the teacher, your thoughts would drift off back to hinata. what was it like holding his hand? what was it like to cuddle him? what was it like to kiss him?

your cheeks flushed at every scenario your brain thought of, and yet you couldn't help but be reminded of him by every little thing. the orange pencil that delicately rested in your hand reminded you of his hair, and the brown of the cute dog eraser that sat on your desk waiting to erase your mistakes reminded you of his hopeful eyes, and most of all the sun that shone through the window reminded you of him in general. the sunshine in your life.

and before you knew it, you had wasted your class time daydreaming about your best friend. you weren't surprised though, he's all that seemed to take up your mind nowadays.

what did surprise you, though, was the fact that he was in the doorway of your classroom while the bell that signified class was over rung. at first, you thought he had come to see you, but to your shock he just shot you a smile before turning away from you.

you watched as he approached another girl in your class, who you knew as yachi hitoka, and began conversing with her.

something tickled your lungs.

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now