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it wasn't like your home life was bad, it just felt a little lonely at times

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it wasn't like your home life was bad, it just felt a little lonely at times. your dad was usually working and your mom was usually busy on her phone. doing what? who knows. it wasn't that they didn't love you, they just didn't have a lot of time to look after you while they attended to their responsibilities.

you knew they had things to do, and you weren't angry, but it had stung a little when they hadn't noticed how your health seemed to be deteriorating. in fact, you had to book an appointment by yourself at the doctor's office. the only time they had available was at one in the afternoon on a school day, so you had decided you would go for the morning and leave at lunch.

biking would be the fastest option for you to get to the hospital, so you rode your bike to school. this meant you couldn't walk with shoyo, which did make you feel bad.. but you knew that you didn't have time to dwell on that.

the morning had gone by as slow as ever, and while normally you were pretty attentive in class, today your mind was plagued by anxiety. throughout the lesson, all you could think about was what the doctors would say. these thoughts continued to bother you, even while you put on your shoes, getting ready to exit the school.

a certain friend of your's spotted you in the halls, "hey flower girl, i'm shocked you're not dead yet."

it was twelve o'clock, everyone should've been eating lunch by now, so seeing tsukishima did surprise you a little. "of course i'm not dead yet, i wouldn't let some flowers kill me." you retorted.

rolling his eyes, he crossed his arms as he looked down at you with those honey coloured eyes of his, "it sure looked like you were going to die when we were on the roof and you almost choked."

"h-hey!" blood rushed to your cheeks as you turned your head away from him, "it might surprise you, but i have big plans for the future. i don't plan to die just yet."

lifting an eyebrow, he looked at you inquisitively before shaking his head slightly, "so, did you go to the nurse about the flowers?"

you sighed a little as you readjusted the weight from one foot onto the other, "well, technically? i booked a doctor's appointment for today."

"oh, really?" tsukishima put his white headphones back onto his ears, "i didn't expect you to do that. you seem like the stubborn type, flower girl."

as much as you tried to suppress it, you couldn't help but grin a little bit. it was the first genuine smile you've had in awhile, but you were happy to have tsukishima there, even if he wasn't the nicest, so-to-speak. "maybe i am.." you smirked.

"trust me, i can tell."

"exactly-- hey!"

a breathy chortle left his lips at your reaction, as he turned his back towards you to leave, "good luck at the doctors flower girl, don't die while you're there."

you called out to him, "i just told you, i don't plan on dying just yet!"

whether or not he heard, you didn't know. you sighed as you finished putting on your outdoor shoes, and made sure you had everything in your backpack (including the permission slip from the teacher that allowed you to leave the school) before exiting the gates of the school.

as you rode your bike to the hospital, it was about 10 minute trip, so you had some time to reflect. how is it possible to throw up flowers? it shouldn't even be possible.. and how were you unlucky enough to be the one to catch it? did life hate you or something? ..yeah probably.

the beautiful scenery around you quickly shifted into a more city-like state as you entered the main part of town. cherry blossom trees turned into buildings and the fields turned into roads. you were happy to live where you did, because it was always beautiful.

while distracted in your thoughts, the hospital made it's way into your field of vision. you parked your bike in the bike racks, making sure to lock it as you made your way into the big building. heading over to the front desk, you made sure to put on some hand sanitizer first.

luckily there were no people standing in line, so you made your way to the front, "hello?"

the older lady at the desk looked up at you, smiling, "hello, do you have an appointment?"

"yes," you smiled back at her, "i have an appointment under the name '[last name]' for one P.M. today."

pushing up her glasses, the woman looked at her computer screen, "ah, great! midoriya-san will be right with you, please wait for him in the waiting room."

bowing in respect, you nodded and walked over to the waiting area. you sat down in the uncomfortable chairs, already got feeling in ache in your butt, because hospital chairs are painful!

you pulled out your phone, and decided to text hinata.

hey shoyo, how's class?

sunshine baby <3
how's ur class??

i'm not in class.
i left earlier.

sunshine baby <3
u did??
i was talking with yachi-san
so i didn't even notice!!!

oh okay

for some reason, it kind of hurt you a little. the fact that he hadn't even noticed you leaving the school.. you knew you couldn't blame him, but you couldn't help but feel a little hurt. you decided to shut off your phone, looking at it will only upset you more.

"[last name]?" a male voice called out, causing you to look up at him, "please follow me."

wish i were her [hinata x reader x tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now